Who restarted my PC?
Labad najud ning ako mundane existence//and I kept looking back for the scraps that I might have left when all that I should be doing is to KEEP WALKING(Johnny Walker keep walking sa mga ma-oy pa)… the first day of the week’s shift is a bummer//and if I would constantly keep breaking down at the start of my work week or in the middle of it or when I feel rusty every so often…I think I should start asking Joe’s question: WADAHELLAMIDOINGHERE? Am glad Czar’s around. I could not say thank you enuf jud. I reckon that the female hormones are the best examples of eccentricity at its best. Whoopa! I was like in my perky chit-chatty mode exchanging OA over the weekend news with Javin, until I came across things posted on the worldwideweb of him and his meaningful- I found Jesus existence- oh no you cannot be included in my lil happiness and I will be forever happy without you…// and then my little 100% enthusiasm mode crashed. Plang. Plus Ed’s promotion is eating me, because he isn’t exactly the happiest animal on the planet. Plus, with his move, wala na kaming kachika/ kasama sa lunch// anonanih?
Cge lang kay payday man today! Yehey! And with our inta selves, we will shop. Although, ithink it’s a bad idea to take grief out on food and clothes. *)
I feel guilty for not having taken care of my penguin over the weekend. See, Saturday, I wuz supposedly happy, thinking that things can get better or maybe some people can simply become totally totally drug-induced that their whole persona might turn around and thus affecting ppl like me as well. (wala ko nag make sense, iknow)… after my shift, malyn and teej took me to mcdonald’s where we had early lunch, then we started looking for their apartment. And malyn wanted to move in to my building, w/c I think would be great, at least, I could bug them. Ha! Although teej can be the worst, tactless being at times, he looked the cutest when he was teaching me how to carry kenji and how to make him burp and where to put his hands. Ang saya. Tatay najud sya. :) am happier cuz am friends with his wife. :)
Sunday afternoon, I spent with Czar and Bryan, had lunch at Pepe’s- I’m convinced that they’re becoming permanent pepe’s fixtures on weekends// they serve really really good chicken. :) then we saw ghostrider//am not an avid fan of English movies, I NEEDED SUBTITLES! Plus the whole kalaban na nagmemelt na effect is enuf to make me think that they smelled awful. Bahoo tan-awon.//then we did our groceries, I got kenji his milk and diapers… applause!// then Jeremy smsd that he is taking me to church, nakonxenxa nko big time, I dragged my tush to church sinama ko pa si Czar. Am glad I went. But, am not going, if ever I would endup fearing that I may see them there together plus diba I know I am the most selfish being, pero since I think it’s about time that I recognize the fact that some people should be happy and I should be happy nalang. Tas ako nalang mu-think na ako ni sala kay dapat wajud nako gisubject ako self sa mga ing-ani klase na taw in the first place. That since I am supposedly a Christian as I claim it to be, then I should let things be. Nganu nganu man ko? And then again, as the speaker said, in exercise of faith: we better TAME OUR FEAR. Now, am not gonna fear seeing him happy, I should fear that I am slowly letting God go because of my self centered belief that I should not be attending worship at his church cuz it is his church. Wala na. This blathering is pointless.// basta, people should learn another adjective to replace CUTE.
Kenji turned 5 months on the 17th, and since it’s his birthday we celebrated his 5th month at 21, Sunday evening after church, me, ma, and czar. :) we had steak, he had milk. :)
My piglet’s progress:
Feb 4,2007- nikulob si kenji! Yehey.
Feb 20, 2007- nikulob sya big time and kaya na niya iya head. Yehey some more!
Then we proceeded to Ed’s place, the guys imbibed way too much...and that muchos got someone wasted:
best quotes:
Bryan: hoy eds, matulog naka!
Lebbeus: alam mo raen, minsan may mga baduy kang mga damit! (wahahaha, gi question niya ako grammar!)
Some Korean freak: oh, I did not ask…(when I told him that we have singha-the thai beer)
So we all ended up crashing at eds’ place… good thing ma did not do another number of, where’ve you been all night?!!!
Slept thru my Monday. :)
Have the best work week guys!
Growing up is full of big moments.
Some of them you can see coming from a mile away;
and some you can't see at all.
All we could do was close our eyes,
and wish that the slow song
would never end.