my fave(ilonggo) word that comes to a close second to temprano is: pyaran. this i've to ask for the real meaning, but, i think it's ponder. :)
Current location: qa pod-(temporary) Current mood: silly
Current music: slide-goo goo dolls
that lil white cat would give me a mini heart attack every time i would go to work at night. it shows up at the most incovenient time. this city is gloomy// i'm not sure how to describe it correctly, they'd say it's linong i guess, meaning too quiet//or maybe plainly quiet// i noticed the number of homeless people near the area where i'd take the cab// it grows by the number every day// kainis yung numbing helplessness that you see or you feel towards them//am like, what were they in their previous lives? why were they recycled/reborne into these kind of ppl?// i mean, that is if they had previous lives ha.
and save the weather for a major glum mode. it suddenly rained. dear Lord, i don't like getting rained on going to work, the fields need rain, not this city. :)
i wokeup looking for my eyes- kascarey when i looked into the mirror and saw that they were squinting side ways, a bit puffy like am down with some weird allergies, and when i'd put moisturizers, my skin felt uber-sensitized, it almost hurt. (grabeng over-grover OA)... and i've more wonderful bruises//lack of sleep can wear you out. or is it pointing towards that time of the month again?
some scumbag this person is//can go to hell for all i care. go//swim//dive//pothead//again, where'd that come from?
i (and joyjoy) went thru the comm skills test with erichyphencomplicated this morning. maaaaaaaan, wut were they thinking?! ilang milyong tests ba should these technicians go thru?! & thus compelled him to buy me lunch(mcdonald's:)//
am i really going to go thru applying for the travel account? i actually expressed my interest. i want diversity. i want people. i'm not exactly sure if i wanted to call car companies in the united states or hotels- these industries are freaking imbeciles when it comes to accomodating online travel requests. not to mention having to memorize the united states & the world by heart.
am glad am writing. this is stress relief actually. (well, aside from having your work's debit card account loaded bi-monthly:)i wonder why people would shove it into yer face that they're way too happy each time yer miserable? empathy anyone?! or leave me me alone. :)
paksit, where did all these crappiness//crankiness come from//to think gastorya nami ug lipay kaayo ko cuz among the silliest reasons why i come to work is for these talks...
that didn't make sense. :)
i saw a baby uk uk in my room. gipatay nako. putaxa nganu surang surangon ko sa iya pagkamananap?
dear fifay&narda- yer missed terribley. dear jaez, stay away from aggressive girls, yer too young. dear shobe & dich- who killed mandy moore & oh, would you rather have a penguin or a piglet for a pet? wut????!
streams is still saying stuff about Faith & Promises- taking His promise like it has been done. :)
God Bless yer weekend. ♥
define Pagkamananap achi beh. hhehehe