i feel like i lost someone. a gal pal lost her ex boyf to cancer. and it's the holidays.
and she's all about him the previous year. first love. first all. aaaaaaarg.
yikes, how will one go about an ex who died anyway?
i shouldn't have opened her blog, i ended up tearing my heart
too... (ang title pa sa entry: i can't believe this is happening)
it's not like i lost wari. i didn't. pero, it is sooo much better to
lose yer guy to something as ghastly as cancer kesa naman
to some girls. weeeh. hehehehehe (hehe, all ex boyfs go to heaven)
i'm sad. understatement.
and it's pay day! napapas ako ngisi when i came across lovekewl's
blog... she loved the guy. understated.
the past few days i've been laughing like a dolt for no reason,
the littlest things made me happy, extremely. yeah, and life at home had been
beautiful.plus my folks are gonna be here for the holidays, so things are just
super perfect. and He loves me.
seeing anwar last night didn't make me though. i am baffled. i do not know
where to go. all i know is that when he is around, i would come running.
it's sooooo SARAH MCLACHLAN, hehehe.
double-jacking with the vet reps made me extra giddy. and i know
i would look like an idiot should i take calls tomorrow. yet, am doubley glad
i got to talk to and mingle with ppl i never thought were nice. ako juds....
bad judge of character. Ü
my mind is a different entity. it separates from my systems when we are
on training sessions. gakabugo ko kalit. punit my wits. sos!
much needed: sugar rush.
current cravings: gambas pasta
best thing i got today: a loaded debit card *grins* and the hugest hug. weeeh.
beautiful person: armand on the elevator Ü
cutest gilik moment: mr. luy cupping my chin, jejejeje---> ki-at! (sa act ko na giliks.)
what i will not do: continue wallowing and weeping like a widow over waryu.
tama na, hubag ako mata going to work. labad pa ako ulo.
daghan pa in queue. weeeh. Ü
what i will do: EAT.
take calls. be better at it.
reclaim sundays.
quit smoking.
pa clear sa WATS, sheepish grin*
missing: joey and steph. big time.
When you feel in your skin in your bones and the hollow
Of your heart, there's no way you can wait till tomorrow.
When there isn't any doubt about it once you come this close
Cos you know and you know that you know. Ü
When you feel in your skin in your bones and the hollow
Of your heart, there's no way you can wait till tomorrow.
When there isn't any doubt about it once you come this close
Cos you know and you know that you know. Ü
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fallen rain. (: