Monday, December 25, 2006

tana 2007!

About You...



Nickname: Raen


How old were you in 2006?: 24


What was the most important thing you discovered in 2006?: that I will falter but I’ll do just fab


What will you always remember about 2006?: moving to piayaland


In 2006 did you...

Keep your New Years resolution?:  I don’t think I did


Go on a holiday?: yep, sumillon island wit a whole bunch of interesting, happy people


Change jobs?: I did! I quit taking calls. Yey to me!


Buy anything from eBay?: nopes, dukha pa rin ako.


Prank call someone?: someone played prank texts on me


Get drunk?: almost every weekend, boohoo


Get high?: wit faith, yep!


Fall in love?: I so did. I am in love with love always.


Break up with someone?: ditto!


Get married?: nopes


Get divorced?: would want my first divorce at 29 Ü


Stop speaking to someone?: someone stopped speaking to me ;(


Kiss someone?: always a kissee, nyahahaha


Kiss someone whose name you can’t remember?: nopes


Make a new friend?: a tons. I’ve made friends wit nikita/ cee/ jeremy/ czar/  toni/ vince/ and tons of ppl from piayaland and Teleperformance-Printers


Do anything embarrassing?:  almost every week when I am wasted I say really crazy, illogical things that I would blame the booze for


Do something that you thought that you would never do?: leave cebu


Do something you have always wanted to do?: quit being a headset jockey


Do anything that you regret?: not saying what I meant


Do anything illegal?: I didn’t, sappy pathetic and boring tawun ko!


Break a promise?: most of the time, lalo na when it’s tithing and going to church


Lose something?: I did. Friends.


Go crazy?: yep, sometime in september


Best of 2006...

Movie: pirates of the carribean cuz I saw the movie with magi and riz and it was a circus


TV Show: the iron chef and laguna beach and rich girls (or was it in 2005?)


Song: no rain/ the difference


Album: old ones from matchbox 20


Thing you bought: the old mattress, hehe.


Memory: sumilon island, dancing wit ronski and him doing the quit playing games wit my heart number and twirling me around- cuz super crush nako sya at that time, January, wahahaha. September 12, 2006 din. Ü


Worst of 2006...

Movie: I forgot the title, but, it was a cerebral movie I saw wit ma and pa mid-year


TV Show: I’ve no TV for 5 months I don’t remember anything bad on the tube


Song: nada


Album: nada


Hangover: September 11, 2006


Memory: September 18, 2006 grabeh ka hurtful promise. Murag tanga ko.


About 2007...

What do you want in 2007?: my own team, I wanna be a team lead, promise. ;) and a condo unit in front of robi, hahahaha!


Is there anything you would do differently in 2007?: be faithful with tithing and church


Do you think it will be a good year?: it so will!


What do you look forward to most about 2007?: a happy eventful hilarious memory-filled year


Do you have a New Years resolution?: still the same, really quit smoking, do yoga, reclaim my Sundays, be a better sibling and daughter(vague), not have alcohol, save and not go for people!


fallen rain. (: