Wednesday, June 20, 2007

the sweetest things..



I saw alex over lunch at pepe’s today.. like her manang kaith, any date with them would be girly chit-chats.. afterwhich she smsd telling me that we were mistaken as cousins by her college friends and she’s like, yeah, we are..


Not getting the mint ice cream is still putting me in such a sour mood.. it may be because I miss some old things that I somehow got used to..

Went to fetish with lexie & got me a pink frock and a white frilly top.. again the mint ice cream gets to me..


I saw johnny’s beautiful family today.. yza wasn’t in the chummy chummy mood that she wouldn’t say hi to me, when Johnny and Elaine asked her to wave goodbye, she readily obeyed.. haha..



When I pass thru lopez jaena street, I’d always feel an odd sense of affinity to the area around it.. like somewhere in time that street was mine.. it’s sad and it’s nostalgic altogether.. I’ve never lived in Bacolod until just last july.. and yes, I hate seeing circle inn.. haha..


al cui smsd asking how I am. Told him am not in the shinest mood.. and he put on the dalai lama tone(the way I’d tease him last year that he could be the great reincarnation of the dalai lama) and tell me be cool, be very cool.. haha.. al might be a cool dad.. and I liked eating panini and potato salad with him..and would finish after an hour cuz I would ask him tons of questions like how can you like Bacolod?


I pray dichee’s lower back gets better sooner..


Jace, odsky ouysky ememberrsky henwsky ewsky rotewsky etterslsky histsky aywsky? It has a silly name and it’s called pig latin.. wow.. we knew latin for pigs years back!




Forever soon..


“She could never own him as she owned him in a room among strangers when she seldom looked in his direction."

Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead



 *legolas is love.. haha..



our system's experiencing latency today.. and it puts me in such an impatient mood, if i were in cebu, i'd walk out and tell my TL am sick with some sort of infectious illness and the week after that i am not to return to work any longer.. ugggggggggg.. bitaw, i just thought that i hate it here..



fallen rain. (: