i wanted to copy this look. swiped this from kathra. image from getty.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
cakes, angels, brutes..
today would be our fifth month. i wondered why i acted sooo lovey dovey when i woke up this morning and kissed gelo g'morning.. not my usual self, i must say.. well, today explains it. :) i know, i mentioned am not gonna start counting.. but, i changed my mind.. i will keep track..
amongst the happier things this morning and of yesterday:
- the cakes from calea and red ribbon (choclit chip ice cream pie & honey crunch roll)
- red ribbon's palabok, yesterday
- kathra's text.. oh well, i believe i am half a human being when am not my fairy self.. haha.. i miss people..
- sarrr's gummy worms (blue worms are bananas) & the juniper breeze spritz.. haha..
- cheesey hotdogs for breakfast
and more..
- the weekend!
- our account's anniv bash
- next weeks' payday :)
- possible answered prayer.. He hears.. He is faithful..
among the common things that would turn me into a giddy, happy mess, i thought food makes up 60% of it..
it's pointless to lose weight..
and we moved into another work station. hasslefeck. am not complaining though. :) and we will endup moving into another office, i guess, in the next couple of weeks.
Oh, if men were the brutes and women the angels - if it were simple as that.
Michael Cunningham, The Hours..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
sun. milk.
romeo gave me a bottle of the face shop's sun milk; checked the website and found this:
- Oil-free Shaking type and non-sticky .
It contains porous powder to absorb excess sebum (Sebum-resistant) and to keep face always fresh
- Water-proof
-More natural ingredients such as Pongamia Pinnata extract, Aloe Vera and Sunflower seed extract are added
hahaha. kabaliw these koreans. ü
tomorrow.. my bath and body works juniper spritz from sarrr. hahaha. wagi ang kabus!
me and my circumstances
My life may be little and boring, but at least its mine--not some assembly line, secondhanded,hand-me-down life. (Rant)
one day, i will make it a point to purchase all books from one author that i particularly liked. i kinda feel totally bobo, stagnant, uninformed lately, not only because i don't read the papers, but also from the lack of reading.. i want books.. i want a boyfriend from a book.. :)
yesterday, at the foot bridge to robinson's, i saw this little gradeschooler boy with a really dirty white shirt, i asked gelo, how'd he get to be that dirty.. (diin kaya sha nagligid-ligid?) gelo just laughed without answering..
sometimes, i get lost in a train of thoughts, yesterday, i was thinking, if everyone had better parents. loving parents. those who'd tell you to study hard, eat your veggies, and work hard, and love your sibs with all you got.. i honestly honestly think that there will hardly be anyone THAT dirty and THAT unkempt..
kfc dinner yesterday. i miss jakathra and her kfc appetite. and it's sooooo sayang that i can't be there for most of my gal pals..
lately, i've been hearing gals from work worrying about how they'll look in the account's anniv ball.. haha.. not worried about it, i am soooo lookin' forward to the mains, starters, and dessert!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
had batchoy after shift yesterday.. with gelo and his team..
there's this authentic batchoy place near a cemetery that serves "special batchoy with utok".. haha.. noodles with brains..
then we proceeded to mcdo sm for hot fudge sundae.. :)
maaaaaan, i talk about food way too much cuz there's nothin' to talk about lately..
on our last night in cebu: shobe gave an extra charger of her moto..
quoting her: mike, imo nalang ang extra charger ko, extra na tungod sa holdup..
it was a bit hilarious when i heard her say that, but, yes, cebu thieves are no fun talaga..
He had kissed her goodnight that night, and she had tasted like strawberry daiquiris, and he had never wanted to kiss anyone else again.
---Neil Gaiman, American Gods
Monday, November 26, 2007
from peru to cebu
startin' with my cebu itinerary. ü
-lunch at dichee's place, we got lechon manok, bought coke from prince warehouse- i think the last time i was there was a couple of years ago..
i feel like dich would need to look for a better apartment, her place is not too livable and the street is dangerous, you'd get a heart attack in the middle of the street each time you cross.
-off to shobe's place with dich and miko, gawd, her closet, ilove. sooo huge, and she organized her clothes by color and denims and hung her jackets. still amazed at how she managed to keep her room tidy.we met tmac-the boyfy, we updated ourselves with each other's lives..
-slept the rest of the afternoon..
-dinner at dessert factory, with shobe, tmac, miko.. shobe had lechong kawali, tmac had this oa sundae, i had chicken cordon bleu(?), miko squid na parang octopus..
-checked the new stores in ayala. we did not buy anything cuz we were checking whether there are better buys elsewhere..
-booze in a mexican chuva in skyrise, then at bo's, just miko and me..
- porto fino for our poor beach-deprived souls. cab driver a huge cheat. pero cge nalang. di man sad na sila magdato. :) saw tope. :)
- sm with gelo, bought same shoes from fila, driving shoe ata daw toh, i got a black and pink sahara and his' is the same pair that came in black and white. :)
-dinner at east west ayala, had apple minus the walnut salad(walnut will kill me), gingered pork chop, potato joes, and raspberry soda..
- got me a blue ucb shirt cuz most of them shirts are on sale. haha. kaloka; queen of cheap..
monday, back to piayaland..
oh, ilove cebu. and how different it feels each time am back home.
i just learned that each time i am there, i see that both my sisters are leading grown up lives, and must make decisions for themselves, that they struggle thru family and relationship, dich, rearing a kid with ma's help, and having a job, and all that not so fun jazz.. shobe with a low paying job. ha! :) and getting her own place, and calling her shots, without any help from us. big girls na my sisters.
i am proud of them, but, their growing up leaves a sad mark because it would mean that if we want to talk real time, we'd have to plan where and when are we to see each other.
i am blessed.
i am blessed to have the courage to bid for a new job, in the same company. and on materialism/consumerism, at times i feel guilty of wanting more stuff each day, but, really my family being safe and healthy would suffice.
whatever the outcome of the next few days and months. Lord, i praise Thee for all of it.
dimsum monday
it was great because the rain stopped for about a weekend. and monday night had clear sparsely star-lit skies. gelo "demanded" that we eat out because he had transported most of my stuff to our new place on foot (hehe, as if ga-ano kalayo).. i thought it would be great if we had dimsum. took a jeepney ride to L Sea, dinner was, chicken mushroom, spareribs, and deep fried shrimp balls, gelo got me apricot brownies from calea.
one day millionaire, two weeks mantinir. next week magsud-an nalang mig lavender salt. haha.
11/26/2007- gelo and i, leaving for bacolod from cebu. slept whole morning when we got to bacolod.
this song meant a city to me
pardon the digi.. photos from my archaic phone.. :)
cebu is one amazing city because of my sisters.. ü
most of these are from last sunday in porto fino with my whole family and gelo..
girl from room 5
Thursday, November 22, 2007
the mating cranes
nov17,2007- off to sorento..
Back on tv there were pictures of whooping cranes doing a mating dance and they were so sweet and graceful and I thought, 'If only I could be a whooping crane and was able to float and fly like them, then it would be like always falling in love.. Life After God by Douglas Coupland
life Rx
"I would like to fall in love again but my only hope is that love doesn't happen to me so often after this. I don't want to get so used to falling in love that I get curious to experience something more extreme- whatever that may be." (douglas coupland)
i wish he can see how lucky we are to be together. and how okay it is for me to live from paycheck to paycheck if we are okay. the rain and our moods seemingly fit. why can't he understand that i have friends before i got stuck with him?
at times, i'd think i would not lose a limb if i had noone here.
yesterday, was truly truly miserable cuz we had dinner(fastfood nasad, tsk tsk) and there were tons of people in mcdonald's and we weren't speaking to each other, i somehow wished that i was just sitting alone with a cheeseburger in hand and did not have to endure his cold shoulder. parang wut did i do now?
i wanted to tell him that at times i wish i could pop a non seizure pill and have him take it para matapos iyahang OA grover ka OA na jealous fits.
cebu tomorrow. ü
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
breakfast by my lonesome
had the most expensive breakfast of bacon and eggs today.
i wanted to slap myself for even eating in that old hotel's patio. ah-lone.
mahal things. mahal food. not worth it.
Marianne Williamson, A Woman's Worth
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
been miserable since yesterday; today, i got me a peach blush delice. haha. shiny!
i totally felt care-less & free today. this odd sense of being noncommital to anything or anyone just made my day. tsaka, free food/lunch, how can i say no?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
happy noises
homelessness is depressing. i sometimes wonder how one ends up alone and wandering aimelessly on the streets. dami last night, and to think it's cold. i would shiver during the jeepney ride back home, paano pa kaya sila out there?
at times i'm certain of the idea/thought that i have a home already, but, at times that too is shaken..gelo will never become my home.. this i know..cuz he puts me in such a foul when all else seems fine..(or is it that we argue too much?)
that time of the month..weeh!
yesterday, all other banks could not read our atm cards, hasslefeck kaau. robinson's banking system should do something.
we finally had real dinner at pepe's. i had pesto crusted chicken, my 5 year old had baby back ribs. sobrang happy to be out of fast food. and it was a rainy night, so everything seemed spectacular and we have a weekend to look forward to.
cebu! this weekend.
butterfly gave me two bottles of calgon. i gave the smaller bottle to sar. the guys thought it smelled nice.
and, everyone, well, almost told me i looked nice today. pinakabongga would be jeremy's comment. "kagwapa cmu subong." wukits. maybe purple suits me. lol.
i just might try garage sale. everyone is selling their wares. might sell some of my stuff. ayan.
miko: anhun mo things mo?
raen: ebalegya balegya geng.
miko: ano gamiton mo?
raen: magshopping puro bag-o.
bwaha. bitaw.
"I love people. Everybody. I love them, I think, as a stamp collector loves his collection. Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me. My love's not impersonal yet not wholly subjective either. I would like to be everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, and then come back to write about my thoughts, my emotions, as that person. But I am not omniscient. I have to live my life, and it is the only one I'll ever have. And you cannot regard your own life with objective curiosity all the time."
The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Monday, November 19, 2007
in ragged hours
From cold of night, and dust of day
In ragged hour or salt worn eye
Be my desire, my wellspring lie
with love, everything is better, food taste better, and a lonely city is always bearable..
bottomline He who is love has always been faithful and has not failed me..
gelo and i are good. living on fastfood, greenwich gaisano city despite the torrential rains.
seeing my sisters come weekend!
- Mood:
- Music:hymn-jars of clay
Sunday, November 18, 2007
makes me want to roll my eyes each time makahear ko sulti og: injineer. yuckisobra.
PRANINGATED man sad au gud ui..Go to church ui..pagdate wit yer gurlfriends w/out him diay..
tas kung mag fit xa..taga-ig pampawala seizure..
From now on..KEVER ang WOSH..
kinda kepoy mgcge bother about feelings chuva ui.haha :]
Listen na lang sa beautiful girl by sean
Dedicated to my beautiful SELF dayon..clap!!clap!!
You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over..
FN:sakto ako manghud.