i will continue writing like a dolt and wearing my heart on my sleeves but, i shall retire them entries somewhere more secured so i don't embarrass myself altogether.
low: and downright crappy. notice how some people can be soooo nice to you one minute and treat you differently the next? eiwan ko wut i did to be treated like a leper. oh gohd. some people in this city are just too pulubi when it comes to manners and keeping things real. that's why i don't like people who grew up with soooo much hang ups, namimirwisho.
♥: sunday morning gelo and i had breakfast at mcdo. where you see elderly couples and i begin to be wistful that one day we will turn out like them.
♥: we have clean linens today. i even managed to turn the smallest room in the house as a yoga room! with incense sticks and the works. (nge, it's not that fancy pero, it's indeed a yoga room na)
♥: i did a 20 minute yoga routine. haha. eiwan. i am stiff as a board. but, as they say practice makes perfect.
♥: i wish shobe would name her baby as cait instead of cate. wala lang parang lait. milk diba meaning ng lait?
low: it's sad how other people would need to hurt you this way you can appreciate who it is that you have. at times, we all should know a good thing when we have it. i am saying goodbye to someone today. it's a whore to cut strings off, but, some people deserved it cuz they're huuuuuuuuuuuuge eejits.
♥: sunday afternoon gelo and i dated. we had pizza at yellow cab sm. tao na talaga baby ko, he finally realized yellow cab is food.
♥: i made a groceries list. made me a bit happier now that i know what to do in gaisano supermarket instead of being lost amongst the aisle and aisle of consumerism.
♥: i am grateful gelo has a new bff in iver. haha. they're soooo metro and so akin to each other it hurts. i wish he'd stop hanging out with older guys so he can act 21.
♥: september! am seeing kairi. ü
God is steadfast. pero i wish he'd cut people's head off or poke their eyes if they purposely ignore me. if they ignore me the more, panget talaga sila. panget.
haha. kaloka ang fits.
"Can a man who's warm understand one who's freezing?"
~One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Aleksandr Solzhentisyn.
photo inset: my primary pic in friendster. told gelo that i made our photo my primary photo and captioned it with hey hey love looked good on you. kaso i told him he's blurred out. ü
edits: i took calls during the day cuz i have nothing to do but think about how pathetic i were the past month. I WERE. that means being pathetic is a WAS. i wish i can just live some mis- tooks down as easily. pero hindi. some things would really hurt. and today i am hurting. i could not even spell out the manner of my HURTING. but noone i say noone has the right to treat me like a leper. bweshet.
kanami sang picture hehehehe
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