i wish mateo would wind up being a sup. or if all else falls into place we will wind up being mamomogons in canada. which is most def okay sad. :)
anywhere but, here.
i'm fed up with the "air" of some people who thunk that they're all better.
my life's almost close to perfection these days. i'm just semi-bored. i want prunes. and fruit cake. hayers.
kairi's heel was cut by the doctors and then shobe reckons that her pain receptors wouldn't work daw. poor baby.
so carrie------ i will not settle for anything less than butterflies.
and diw Lord, thanks for the caterpillars. c")
btw: i kinda don't want to feel poor and so, sana may sponsor sa serious shopping in hongkong some time in the near fyutur. german boyfriend, where art thou?
kepoi ang beghal. merese at times sa mga mahadera na reklamadora.
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fallen rain. (: