Friday, April 9, 2010

“So much present, inside my present, inside my present - so, so much past.”

Fiest. I'm merely quoting.

Lunch was bitch slap today. I'm sometimes very politically correct, sometimes too kind when I already should be saying things like- oh screw her if she's like dut, or yeah, I intend to let an aswang eat your baby, and both of us would be cool. I'm epokreta like dut, or maybe I'm taught to always say kind things to people who are hurting even if that means choking me and tearing my heart, innards, and all of me apart.


There are times when I feel like crying that I'd wind up- laughing as I speak.

My whole being is becoming a pattern- of rotten-ness, of listlessness, and of madness.

And yeah. My class is weird. I just want to go to Guimaras.

Even my posts do not contain anything of value.

Today I learned that I shouldn't be reading into things OA-ly. That I should take people at face value. And yeah, meron pa:

two things hurt me today-

a Christian professing his being a Christian but could lie to me point-blank.
yeah, the hunger in Sudan- hellyeah, I'm affected like dut- I sometimes wonder why a good God would allow an innocent child to go hungry.

That's why I appreciate a warm bread so much.

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fallen rain. (: