Michael Angelo rolls off nicely on my tongue. While visiting the Olympic Peninsula once, I saw Michaels, the craft stores scattered in U.S. – I emailed him, “Langga, (Love in the Visayan languages.) I missed you again today because I saw a store with your first name.” I try to associate him with so many things (Michael Kors, the jell-o), even people. If you’ve seen one episode of “Iconoclasts” some seasons back, Michael Stipe, R.E.M.’s front act was on the show; and I’m like “Wow, this guy dances and acts oddly enough like Gelo. And he’s got Gelo’s first name.”
At 25, a 21 year old boy walked into my life and made my stay in a godforsaken city I tagged “Piayaland” (Bacolod) bearable. Sometimes, when I come across my archived emails, I would tearfully tell myself, that those were really good times.
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fallen rain. (: