i'm coming down with a sore throat and a fever.
october 4- monday: j and i went to riverside to have me admitted. we waited a bit, the nurse was reluctant to take me in because i have no fever - but, i explained that several tests were to be done on me and i had seen a neurologist and that i'd have to go thru mri and i have tic douloureux
october 5- i had mri. a hep-lock was placed on my left hand and bruised it. aside from the pain on my jaw, i have to bear with the crazy pain on my hand. medicine that cost a little more than 5k was injected on me. suddenly during the mri; i buzzed and asked that the scan be stopped or that i be taken out of the capsule so i may sit for awhile and was asking for an ice pack, the lab section had none. the guy who was scanning told me to just put up with the pain. whatthefxck really.
no one instructed me that there's a 15 minute lull in between scan, i couldn't go pee or scratch an itch. it was jarring.
once i was done with the mri, i asked the nurses to take hep-lock off me cuz i was feeling uncomfortable. they told me my doctor would not allow it. i told them it's only going to be used for my mri and my mri is done. they informed me that until we get the mri results that's when the hep-lock gets pulled off. i threw the hugest fit and informed them that it's medical malpractice, a patient is in great pain and no one is informing me why i have a foreign instrument in my hand when no other drug is going to be further administered. i told them the same thing happened to my nephew some few months ago. they left the needle of the dextrose on his hand even if he used up his dextrose, it took them 12 hours before they got it- only after i threw fits.
they even told me that it's my neurologist's decision and some antibiotics may be injected on me further into the evening and that if i am uncomfortable with the hep-lock on my left hand, they will insert another needle on my right hand- which is really futile because i wasn't given any other drug except those pills that i had to take through my mouth.
i take it as if that if they are unsure that they're gonna get paid, they would leave needles on their patients and would only take them off after their patient gets billed. it's quite barbaric. and i'm going to let everyone know about this.
this lunatic hospital would need to be sued or investigated. they cannot continue mistreating patients like that.
in the first place the medical practitioner's maxim is primum non nocere: first do no harm. wtf is riverside hospital doing?
october 6- i was billed with php21,708.09. i have hmo, i have philhealth. what if other patients don't have insurance. i wish doctors would discuss the cost of these services. i don't know, makes you rethink that some people have no sense of humanity in them.
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