*i don't miss caffeine that much because i still drink coke. ;p
*dichee says that moms who buy 9oz bottles are too lazy to make milk again- it's too heavy for the baby to hold so we should get 5oz max.
*unofficially it's hello moto. am i gonna be a bone to pick on? well yes.
*gusto ko nang GE X5 because it's a bridge cam and it has gotten one positive review & the cherry mobile superion- i love underdogs. i want them both simply because i think i'd be more intelligent reading and figuring out the specs and the review.
*gamo, wala husay dry hurrrr cut from david's salon should be on the to do list.
*am i the only pregnant gal who thinks that the vitamins her ob prescribed would make her feel nauseated?
*today lang ko nahappy sa avent and playtex racks because they're on sale. these items are not even practical buys, so i simply went there to be sated just by LOOKING.
*the asado pao craving is gone because me and my tyanak gobbled them up in less than 2 minutes.
*icarus would be my favorite story from childhood, i want my baby to learn this at 3.
*why didn't i meet justin vernon earlier in life, we're like born in the same era?
*jj should learn to know the odds on gambling. one can only lose 100php in lottery tickets.
*haha, pede may mag betad sa hurrr ni shalani sa tv5?
*i used to love sarah geronimo, now that she's all glutathioned i wanna betad her too.
*in 1Chronicles, jabez was mentioned in a wee way, but his prayer DEMANDED HUGE things from a BIG GOD. i wanna pray how he did- lalo na now that prayerlessness is becoming more and more usual to me.
*kenji is huge. he almost broke my hip bone when i carried him in SM today. makes me miss his two year old weight.
*autism is not fun ok.
*i would sometimes miss having a pack of cigarettes in my purse or having a drunken stupor and now thinks how selfish am i, if i were to nurse my baby with my own milk mixed with marlboro fumes and alchohol. haha, j, should also think about this. (:
*if all weddings were like in vegas. we wouldn't have trouble with my baby's birth certificate!
*i forgot to moisten my bandage/plasters with alchohol and ended up ripping a huge skin around my surgical hole. fml.
*everytime i see pope john paul's photos i would say, i miss him. and i'm not even catholic. the old man is just somethang. RIP.
**I told her tea bags were just a convenience for people with busy lives and she said no one is so busy they can’t take time to make a decent cup of tea and if you are that busy you don’t deserve a decent cup of tea for what is it all about anyway? Are we put into this world to be busy or to chat over a nice cup of tea?**
‘TIS, FRANK MCCOURT- i miss frank mccourt too. he puts the FUN in literature.
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fallen rain. (: