Saturday, June 25, 2005

another one!!!


swiped from jezrel ♂♀

1.hus picture is it that you keep on your wallet?

mine and ron's and my CCs and kyle's ;)

2. what time do you go to bed?

1pm, after shift

3. what was the last thing you did before
filling this survey?

wrote emails, took calls

4. who's the one you always meet the most?

ron,at the moment...and i hope for a loong time

5. who's the person you're gonna call if you need

cc... i guess ron.....

6. what's on your mind just now?

ron and babies and babies and cabbage patch kids

7. who's number on your speed dials?

i did not check..... am not sure...laterz...Ü

8.with whom do you wanna be to have fun?

ron still, ♥

9. what's your latest movie?

mr. and mrs. smith

10. when was the last time you went out?

last tuesday, lunch with ron....hahay

11. what do you hate the most for now?

not being able to spend the rest of the night
at home...argh!!! i didn't get to sleep!!!

12. when was the first time you slept alone?

never Ü

13. what do you wanna do for now?

sleep til sun up....

14. what do you do for everyday besides eat and

dial, check friendster, blog, whine,
text ron, whine, be a drama queen as he puts it

15. what things could piss you off?

annoying, feeler pips whose enveloped in narcissism

16. fave pet?

sharpei or pug, should anyone give any of those to me...
i'll name em tink or butter

17. colors that make you happy?

pink and green, watermelons... =) so my colors

18. most fave thing in your room?

my mattress...Ü

19. what was the last thing you bought for your

brass frames and vanilla lamp oil

20. any instruments in your room?

none....very sad....i cannot play a thing... =(

21. nu fave mong food?
chocolates everything and pasta anything

22. miss someone?

i do!!!i miss shobe, soy, tor,
the ez gurls,team mates from PS and Sykes

23. plan to buy something?

a whole lotta something, baby!
2 one-way ticket to davao....

24. are you satisfied with your life now?

am so... and am asking for a bit more...Ü you like seafood?

fresh oysters.... i wuv and shrimp gambas....
am goin' back home najuds....

26. breakfast or dinner?

breakfast food...muffins and yoghurts Ü

27. what do you usually eat for breakfast?

yakisoba, apple and cranberry muesli...uga kaau!!!

28. did you eat breakfast today?

i did...Ü ron, i ate!!!

29. do you recycle?

a lot.... Love Serves....

30. do you have a laptop?
i wish i had one!!!!! pink mac, wuv ♥

31. what's your favorite fast food?

kfc and mcdonald's

32. cats or dogs?


33. salty or sweet?
 SWEET,baby!!! skittles, and chupa chups...Ü

34. city or country?

♥ downtown....i've to say city....

35. what's your favorite kind of jeans?

old pair of mickey's unlimited....

36. Is kissing normal for our age?

too normal.....smooch-smooch-smooch

37. are you athletic?

you bet i am...hehe...Ü

38. do you swear?

not as much

39. would you ditch your friends for a date?

nope.... i wouldn't do so....(aws?)
hala!!! mupalag si joey...Ü

40. do you have your own cell phone?

yep, trusty pink N2100...hehehehe

41. what do you wear to bed?


42. ever had a crush on a teacher?

haven', sa sykes, on a trainor

43. coke or pepsi?

coke....cherry coke, diet coke, regular coke.... =)

44. sugar or spice?

sugah babe....

45. can you use chopsticks?

i can!!! am good....Ü

46. do you like to read?

am an eclectic reader...i read livejournals...

47. do you care about getting good grades?

no, i don't...

48. have you ever fallen asleep in class?

cannot remember....i must have had....

49. get a job or ask your parents for money?

get yer tush to work...but, it would be awfully nice if
yer folks were loaded...Ü


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