Sunday, August 7, 2005


Names of ____
Top 5 Girls Names to Name Your Kid...
1: bianca
2: nafsika
3: victoria
4: antonia
5: nicholaa, puro malalang names!
Top 5 Boys Names to Name Your Kid...
1: slate
2: kip
3: dusk
4: TJ, kay ana si george, all TJs are cute ;)
5: khalil
Top 3 Names If You Could Change Your Name...
1: bianca
2: bianca
3: bianca, hehe
Top 5 Names For A Band...
1: answering machine
2: memphis
3: minneapolis, shobe, i think this is how it's spelled
4: pickled pink
5: BDL airport code
Top 5 Names For A Movie About Your Life...
1: ketchup fries
2: imber
3: i don't like difficult people
4: atop a pink cloud, i thought i was sitting
5: MISSY: misty, pathetic

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