1. Latest realization mo? -- am just the happiest girl in the world at the moment, i can cry to my heart's content, sms my closest friends in wee hours, i have ppl who make me laff because of their off key ilonggo, give me good reason to pray for the best, to hope for and look forward to the next day...i've the bestest support group and SHRINKS who doesn't charge me anything at all for their advice, i've friends who are willing to send snail mails, time enough to keep me inspired and hang on in here, and a churchmate who will send me a devotional, because am too lazy to find a church, hehe and i run fastest to the old house on 266th ave when it rains.... <3 and i have ron <3
2. Dapat gawin pag nalulungkot? -- eat pep up food: watermelon something/ chocolate everything/ etcetera, etcetera, or sleep, so you'd forget yer lonely, sms yer good friends
3. Motto mo about LOVE? - love serves <3
4. Dapat gawin ng guy pag busted? -- find some1 else eh
5. Pinakamatinding kalokohang nagawa mo sa
school? -- tore mark bonifacio's pic out of a year book
6. Gusto mong itawag sayo kung ikaw ang
masusunod? -- bianca, i love bianca =)
7. Pangarap mong summer get-away trip? -- sa bahamas or st. barts, para kakitag artista sa hollywood ;)
8. Isang bagay na hinding hindi mo
tatanggihan? -- our own place in cebu! <3
9. Masayang libangan kapag umuulan? -- cuddle and make out, hehehe
10. Isang bagay na pinag-iipunan mo nang
husto? -- wala! am always broke!
11. Gagawin mo sa susunod mong birthday? -- get really wasted, kanang diko kabangun
12. Hindi mo makayanan o matagalan? -- ppl na malala mag-complain or whine about the tiniest stuff, artsy fartsy lil bitches and bastards from call centers or in addu, and those who cannot find anything good to say about other ppl
13. Gusto mong panoorin sa sine? -- i totally wanna catch charlie and the chocolate factory, brings back good childhood library memories <3
14. Gusto mong isigaw ngayon, as in now na !? -- ron, i miss you juds
15. Paano ka ma-badtrip? -- tatahimik, sisimangut, iniiyak ang inis, or mag bitch fit
16. Madali bang mahalata na may topak ka?
-- sobra, my friends tell me am a combi of autistic, timang, and engot
17. Matagal ka ba maligo? -- nopes, i hate bathing juds because i have to do that at 2:30 am! paanish!
18.kumakain ka ba ng vegetables? -- basta dili batong and kalabasa, cuz mamatay ko
19. Tamad ka ba? -- yeps, i wish am not as lazy, mag cge nalang ko call in sick
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fallen rain. (: