Thursday, November 10, 2005

i do not have the answers to yer questions

- that is why i would not ask you my own questions because i know you wouldn't have the answers too....

- you make me the happiest, oddly frustrated, freaked-out girly in cebu

- and yesss, i will wait....(for raia anicka, just don't name her rae anne, that should make me puke)

--------------------------i still don't have a job, i have CV mishaps, and yeps, i am left in laziness blissdom.....faetch, no moolah for my fave solace: laag


jace, i would name my girl bianca nicholaa.....should she materialize...hehehehehe


  1. am loving it man, di raku kacheck multiply on a diurnal basis....argh...and wa ko money...princess of broke jud ko....hahahay...chege lang.....Ü

    why wasn't i fcu*king born rich man gud bah....argh.....dili guro bagay: korean na rich....paetch


fallen rain. (: