from "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith
so okay. i really want my gap beanie back.
and the navy blue abercrombie hoodie.
went home 3pm. i asked nazel whether we can go boozing. i downed 3 bottles of real booze and kinda thought that am a big girl for drinking malt and hops. haha. and at her expense cuz i am broke. hehe.
and she got me pepsi and watermelon shake.
sly and janice caught up with us at around 11am.
enuf said. i don't know if anyone of us ever remembered anything we said. in the end siguro, it boiled down to amidst all the misunderstandings, we are all friends. i think that's the point that everyone is driving at.
when i got home i just crashed on the mattress on the floor and woke up with my tummy throbbing. i thought that it's about time that i eat. when i did try to eat some cookies, i ended up throwing them up involuntarily. so ayan. am not starving myself ever again.
it's nice to kiss some boy you really wanna kiss when you finally let go of the frog whom you thought is really your prince. farting words ni raeyna na makabagdamdamin. sakto ako tagalog? haha.
kenji knows his 1 to 10! big boy na baby ko.
i miss my sisters. if i were wealthier one day, i'd buy 3 bungalow houses with a front lawn for all of us. then the kids can run around. and ma can be ma. haha.
nangita kog menteryo na may pagkaon. i got a lunch date with nazel on nov 1 and ting lacson's dinner on nov 2. all at the cemetery. and am asking if anyone else can invite me to their cemetery. i've been asking exfuja pips. i might ask my fan club from hello moto if they have dead people in their family and if they will have food too.
haha. years back mark j. took me to my first cemetery and sate baboy experience and thoroughly enjoyed it. waaaaaah.
chinese cemetery would be the best i guess. kay bongga ang food. i wish hua ming guys and gal friends can remember my existence. haha. am still alive. i want a grave on weekend.
keeping my face to the sunshine,
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fallen rain. (: