"In spite of what had passed between them, he had not written to her, or come to see her, or sent the dance instructions he had promised. She was no doubt left to think that he had laughed at her and forgotten her. It should therefore have been his part to begin with an apology or an excuse, but as they walked along, not looking at each other, he could tell that, far from blaming him, she had room in her heart only for the pleasure of regaining what had been lost. He knew that if he spoke he would only make himself seem the more wanting in seriousness. Overpowered by the woman, he walked along wrapped in a soft happiness."
Yasunari Kawabata
i can't think of going on the davao vacay cuz of the complexities of the flights going there. wala'y cebu connection and i don't want to go to iloilo and take off from there. it's so yofaks to think about planning the trip that i might wanna take it next year kai. :)
it's booze doing this to all of us again. nazel and i caught up with sly/sandra/philip at lumer's. kim and janice were even there. :)
i can now tell the difference between a female and male red horse bottle. amusing. ü nindut ning mapalahubog ko'g atik atik.
went home at 3. woke up with a throbbing headache. nazel slept over. i have work when everyone's out for halloween.
naloka ko when i got to work tonight as people can really take advantage of my frail situation. :(
i just want this person to pay. and i thunk lambasting that jerk would be the best way to get even. waah. then again nahadlok ko mastroke.
weekend! cemeteries! laundry! how exciting. :)
i've 7 modules to tweak for the next 10 days. wish me luck. God is faithful despite the fact that you act krung krung when you are surrounded by midgets who thunk they're Goliath.
happy holidays.
waaah. ako nalang kulang. huwat lang mo. ü
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fallen rain. (: