Age: 0-5 [Toddler]
When were you born? *12march82
What was your first word? *how would i know?
What was your favorite television show? *sesame street
What was your favorite movie? *i so cannot recall
Do you have any siblings? *2 younger CCs
If so, give their names and ages: *sheilamay,22 and caryljo,21
Did you have any pets? *chino, he's part-chihuahua, part policedog
Did you have a best friend? Who? *jam palilieo, justin ann may, wer naka?
Did you have a favorite relative? *murag wa, aw, my mitas eh
What is the most memorable moment from these years? *eating cerelac
Age: 6-12 [Childhood/Preteen]
What was the name of your elementary school? *hope christian school, nankutaw chianan, nakutaw pod ako utok
Did you get a boyfriend during any of these years? Who? *aw shucks, that would be so cute
What was your favorite year of elementary school? Why? *6th grade, we were almost "grown-ups"
Who was your favorite teacher? *siensi betty, mrs. cunanan
What was the reason for your first detention? *murag way detention, di uso
Who was your best friend during these years? *bebeth rhae chua
What was your favorite television show? *hala oi, i cannot recall what i've been watching
What was your favorite movie? *sandlot, lil rascals, mighty ducks,hehe, free willy =0, lorenzo's oil
What was your favorite song? *again my thinking faculty is not working
What is the most memorable moment from these years? *gradeschool graduation
Age: 13-16 [Teenager]
What high school did/are you go(ing) to? *hope christian school- freshman year, nddfg- sophomore & junior years, hcdc-senior year
Who was/are your best friend(s)? *jam palileo, bebeth chua, mitch rendon, anvi sy
What was your favorite class? *english and lit
Who was/is your favorite teacher? *still mrs. cunanan
Who was/is your boyfriend during these years? *ryan daniel
What was your most prized possession? Why? *the ring from ryan
Were you ever suspended or expelled? Why? *almost, for so many things
[Naughty Naughty!]
What was your favorite television show? *charmed, i watched gimik and tgis, hehe, beverly hills, hangtime
What was your favorite movie? *every movies seen wit ryan/ my best friend's wedding, casper
What was your favorite song? *is it okay?, at that time, because of ryan, hehe and "only happy when it rains"- garbage, leaving on a jetplane sad diay...
What is the most memorable moment from these years? *relocating to davao and having to leave behind the way of life we were used to ;( and after school malling hours wit anvi and ryan ;)
Age: 17-18 [Young Adult]
Still going to the aformentioned high school? *not anymore
If not, where? *to college, tinyo
Did you get into any major fights with your parents? *wit my grades, they'd bicker
Did you ever make-up? *yups, they won't give me allowance should i not bend
Who was your best friend(s)? *the easy gurls :)
Did you have any pets? *none na, mayad!
What was your favorite class? *the humanities, lit, philo
What was your least favorite class? *THE MATHS!
Who was your favorite teacher? *ma'am philo
Who was your least favorite teacher? *the bayut in gov accounting
Did you graduate? *i did ;)
What year? 2003
What was your favorite television show? wasteland, charmed, F, guide to urban living, jack and jill
What was your favorite movie? remember the titans, a walk in the clouds, how to make an american quilt among others
What was your favorite song? mishmash of parokya ni edgar, rivermaya, the corrs, matchbox20 songs
What is the most memorable memory from these years? everything about ateneo, from the gazebo-idle times, the "i'm horny" dance routine we did for PE, lunches at port cafe or city triangle, stalking jasper, summer class of 2002, kai's debut at apo view hotel
Age: 18+ [Grown-Up]
How old are you now? 23
Do you miss your childhood? not as much, but, i miss being looked after
Do you feel old? nah, jaded, a bit
Do you now, now that I've asked? i don't, we are growing up, not growing old ;) and yep, we are sooo young!
Are you glad that this quiz is over? Why? nopes, i want a loonger survey, i'm not done wit my shift yet
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fallen rain. (: