Describe . . .
your homeroom: crazy
your school's library: airconditioned
your school's gym: barely sits people
your school's auditorium: small, jammed
your school's cafeteria: our years: argh! their years: a foodcourt
your school's computers: you can mirc ;)
the hallways at school: good for stalking
your school's reputation: very REPUTABLE
your school's staff: don't know much
your school's office: has leather couches
your fellow students: indifferent, laysos
What is your school's name? =ateneo de davao university
Is there any historical significance to your school's name? =erecting finster building
Do you know of any notable alumni from your school? =essa remoquillo ;0
If so, explain. =she's beauty and brains personified, even if she graduated, her name reverberates in the ateneo
Do you have to listen to/sing your national anthem every morning? =during the 740am class
What is your favourite class? =the humanities
What makes your favourite class so likeable? =am good at it eh ;)
What is your least favourite class? =the maths and accounting
What makes your least favourite class so crappy? =am not good at it
Which of your teachers is your favourite? ma'am philo ;)
What makes your favourite teacher your favourite? she acknowledges yer opinions, stirs yer thinkin' faculty
Do you have to wear a uniform to school? =so have to!
If you do have to wear a uniform, describe it. =white2x blue and white!
What are your school colours? =whitewhite blue and white, ateneo sis boomba!
What is your school team? =blue knights
Does your school have spirit weeks? Explain. =they have all sorts of weeks,but i haven't heard of that
How does going to school generally make you feel? =wacked
Do you think you will miss your school after you have graduated? =i thought so too, and i did
What is the most mortifying thing that has ever happened to you at school? =hahay, those experiences during retreats are scary not because of anything but, because of my classmates
Do you ever skip school? When was the last time you cut class? =i don't, igo lang man gud ko mupasa
What is the class you tend to skip most often? =i don't skip class
Have you ever forged a note so you could be excused from class? =shobe would do that
Which school is your school's rival? =sans rival ;)
Do you have to pay money to go to your school? =have to, partly
Have you ever received a scholarship or some kind award from school? =pirmi maka-award for barking at a philo slavedriver
Have you ever failed a grade? =i did, gov accounting
Have you ever been skipped ahead a grade? =i have deficiencies, usually
Of everyone at your school, who . . .
is the meanest? =some ppl from engineering
is the smartest? =the BSA kiddos! ;)
is the coolest? =BSA 4C!
is the best-looking? =kerby gella!
is the kindest? =most people are
is the sluttiest? =a long list
bores you the most? =the accounting teachers
has the worst reputation? =BA ppl, sorry
has the most enviable outfits? =kikay, drats!
can always make you laugh? =essa, supah!
is the weirdest? =jez and dave....
sucks up to the teachers the most? =long list
annoys you the most? =most conyotic kids annoy me/ dave annoys every1
makes you wonder? =jasper *winks*
inspires you? =my gurlfriends and jasper, hehe, the reason to wake up and go to school before
makes you want to punch them right in the mouth? =****
can you always count on to help you catch up on homework? =smart kids from our class
do you wish you knew better? =the rest of the BSA234C, i wish i had taken time to establish personal relationships wit 'em
do you wish you had never met? =agay, lovejoy, hehe
reminds you the most of yourself? =the easy gurls are part and parcel of moi
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