Monday, April 28, 2008

dyosa, kamama, duende, gnomes,spartan

still last weekend.
what love!

Whenever he was near her he could feel it, as if it were a live, animated thing, this acute awareness that she was the other half of him - a side that had been lost or perhaps had never existed until he found her. Daniel and the Angel -Jill Barnett


  1. dyesebel? hehehe
    hi raeny gurl! ai mishu

  2. tl: thanks. :)
    karen: mishu too.
    kat: sa dihang diko ka install flash/plugins.

  3. para na nimo nga song.. kay you wear abercrombie and fitch man hahahaha

  4. hahahaha. buriket na song. :)
    eyelobbit then. haha. at least di fakers ako a&f. fisti dghan kaau ilerds version.

  5. mao ba? wa ko kita og EKAF version diri.. or wa lang ko nakaadto nga mga lugara naa ilad versions..

  6. dghan mare. lagot si angelo cuz ganahan sha sa brand man wala gabaligya tinood here. hehehehehe. :)


fallen rain. (: