Wednesday, June 30, 2010

  1. RT @jesus: I've got the World in a cup...
  2. @victoriaborja haha, i really want a brownstone apartment bess. (:
  3. i love nestle yogurt. i wish their tubs came in double pint size.
  4. burp. i ate two chili wings(burnt) but it tasted really good. i make a great sauce yknow! oyster, tomato, mustard, chili, peppercorns!
  5. i wanna marry an astronaut now that i read about freeze dried neopolitan ice cream!
  6. and the kitchen is already reeking burnt chicken sauce. ugh! hogwarts.
  7. oil splattering on my arm and face. why am i not built/made for the kitchen Lord? i can't even tell if a deep fried chicken is cooked.
  8. I miss Starbucks. #consumerism
  9. @Martinabugarin I love her too. Galing diko ka gaya sa ia cuz she's wide-eyed. Hahaha. Suya. Take care love. ♥
  10. @Martinabugarin kamahalia jackson! Nalerky ko. Check ko plans nila beh. Bungga ka gyd yah Nicole Richie level. ;p
  11. paolo's fan girl. ♥
  12. @Martinabugarin pila ang plan haw? Ngaa it sends texts by itself? Amo kailinit sa BB kis-a, gatext kad gatawag on its own!
  13. Got me a thesaurus and a copy of Gaiman's Fragile Things. Happy purchases!
  14. I will buy those enviro sac at SM next time. I feel guilty of the plastic bags I use up each time.
  15. Seattle. <3
  16. @Martinabugarin green with envy sa BB.
  17. My sister and I will subsist on processed food. Ham, bacon, and fishballs. Hogwarts ang food plan.
  18. Nutella! And chili wings! Yey! I'm gonna cook later. Hope it won't turn out chaka.
  19. groceries shopping make me sad and poor. haha. and grown-up.
  20. RT @Martinabugarin: I never needed you to point out my wrongs
  21. tori amos, sleeps with butterflies. i love this song!
  22. you say the word you know i will find you or if you need some time i don't mind i don't hold onto the tail of your kite
  23. Sometimes, the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people. ☺
  24. "im not like the girls that youve known but I believe im worth coming home to"
  25. i miss amapola afternoons with gelo. hay.
  26. "Love with all your heart. Don't hurt others, and help those in need. That's all you need to know."
  27. hey hey love looked good on you
  28. pero i wish He'd cut people's head off /poke their eyes if they purposely ignore me. if they ignore me the more, panget talaga sila. panget.
  29. God is steadfast.
  30. you don't often see girls like these running allover the city on weekend nights!
  31. Summer Crossing.
  32. Thank You daan Lord for those. (:
  33. trentamils! yey! when i turn 32, it shalt be a brownstone address, a pink wicker bike, the big apple, and trentamils in dollars. (:
  34. If you don't ask me out, someone else will. So I don't give a fxck.#bitterocampo
  35. My Saturday night ain't so bad. (:
  36. pipeline: booze, buffalo wings, fishballs, ham and cheese sandwich.. ice: dancing, tequila sunrise.. business inn: coffee and waffles..
  37. i swore off going to these local clubs. but these kids drove there. i could not go anywhere.
  38. this is like the first saturday that i got 3 invites, always it's one or none. (: but i couldn't really care, sleeping in is always good!
  39. some trainees were asking me out. i had to say no. it's odd when ppl make friends with you but you can't because of work. ;p
  40. shobe from my class is picking me up tonight. awaiting to wake bacolod up this saturday. lol.

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fallen rain. (: