May. Forever Summer.
- the wisdm tat coms fr heavn s 1st of al pure;then peace-loving, considr8, submissve, ful of mercy &gd fruit, mpartial &sincre." james 3:179:09 PM May 12th via web
- "And whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men," Colossians 3:239:02 PM May 12th via web
- good manners will often take ppl where neither money nor education will take them9:01 PM May 12th via web
- tino is heart9:01 PM May 12th via web
- swinging my hips like yeah, dancing around like yeah. ;p9:01 PM May 12th via web
- blooper from last class: can i please ask for the birth of date of the account holder?9:01 PM May 12th via web
- @ diin mo gusto Marts? Ako gusto ko sa tawhay. Hehehe.8:51 PM May 12th via web in reply to Martinabugarin
- Another dentist appointment. Hay. Yofax.8:42 PM May 12th via web
- loveisabigfunnyword. tulog tah ah. puli tah.2:03 PM May 12th via web
- RT @: Travel far if u must, but know the greatest adventure is within you! Close your eyes & see it! 2:02 PM May 12th via web
- i find peace when i'm confused, i find hope when i'm let down2:01 PM May 12th via web
- grabeh makawa gana ang class. mabuang nako2 days pa. karon pako ni complain ing-ani. normally i'd say i'm tired/uninspired. now it's lisud.1:59 PM May 12th via web
- Day 3. Dugay weekend oi.8:54 AM May 12th via web
- Kasakit muconvict ang Gino-o. Mao ra na. Lisod maging Christiano, you'd not only get a lousy tee-shirt, you'd also be too fetch.8:54 AM May 12th via web
- Your life will then become the simple life of a child.8:53 AM May 12th via web
- Allow God to work through whatever that particular circumstance may be until you increase in Him, adding His qualities.8:53 AM May 12th via web
- Love means that there are no visible habits— that your habits are so immersed in the Lord that you practice them without realizing it.8:53 AM May 12th via web
- If these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful . . . —2 Peter 1:88:52 AM May 12th via web
- ☺8:51 AM May 12th via web
- another holdap/free ride to work tonight. i got asked if we were imbimbing on saturday, i said, no you're going to church with me.8:51 AM May 12th via web
- When you think you're screwed, remember we're all on a big, wet ball floating in the dark. ☺☺☺11:40 PM May 11th via web
- Quintin <311:35 PM May 11th via web
- @ hahahaha. ako pa ma pintura sg room yah purple gusto sa? hahahaha. gaga na bae. pati pagka jaboom twins tah enteran.11:34 PM May 11th via web in reply to Miss_Hellfire
- "For both of us, it had simply been too enormous an experience. We shared it by not talking about it. Does this make any sense?"10:53 PM May 11th via web
- "Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star."10:30 PM May 11th via web
- "Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they're also what tear you apart."10:27 PM May 11th via web
- Robinson's bank have the best customer service, friendly and efficient. Two thumbs up. I got my replacement card in less than 20 mins!10:18 PM May 11th via web
- Kasamok ang sige sulti ganahan sila na kulong akoa hair or that my hair isn't stick straight. Komash mo oi, kamu daw panudlay sa ako buhok.10:16 PM May 11th via web
- @ may tweet na. Hahahaha. 140 characters aren't enuf! Miss you.10:16 PM May 11th via web in reply to Miss_Hellfire
- Yeah, really I should be okay. ☺10:15 PM May 11th via web
- And then the druggies of Geslani Drive stopped me on my track, yelled and asked me to get in their car. People never fail to surprise me.10:14 PM May 11th via web
- I always know that I'm forgiven when He gives me a night full of stars.10:13 PM May 11th via web
- Last night was the best, with my now fave song on repeat, I walked to work, looked up and saw the sky full of stars.10:12 PM May 11th via web
- Bookings. Fully booked summer. Saya. ☻10:12 PM May 11th via web
- Hay, I've to put up with an abscessed tooth because my dentist didn't do xray prior to placing dental filling. Paksit.10:11 PM May 11th via web
- I've tickets for Manila na. I'm not sure if it'll be ok sharing a hotel room with Hediota and her guy- I snore. Kawawa sila!10:06 PM May 11th via web
- God bless the Philippine Islands. I'm okay with the election results. Everyone can actually work it out yknow. And our taxes puhlease.10:05 PM May 11th via web
- baliw tweets start now!10:02 PM May 11th via web
- there's a new president and vp in pinas, but the queue at a to go jollibee booth is still the same. waiting to order food takes forever.10:01 PM May 11th via web
- crazy sane psycho3:04 PM May 11th via web
- keep calm and realize what you believe in is complete and utter BS. <33:04 PM May 11th via web
- "Your heart is my piñata."10:01 AM May 11th via web
- tinooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.10:00 AM May 11th via web
- what a miracle binay is on the lead for vp. ;p ang pinas magiging makati. hahaha.;p9:58 AM May 11th via web
- Happy Birthday Papa. I miss you.9:57 AM May 11th via web
- suck it up and be kind!!!!!!!!!!!!! day 2, class.9:56 AM May 11th via web
- You get a learner who doesn't take down note and is absent on the second day of class. What to do?9:56 AM May 11th via web
- Election results. Skeriiiiiiiiiiiiiii.9:55 AM May 11th via web
- @ 22nd Chin. ;p9:55 AM May 11th via web in reply to TheShaolinChin
- Well, you just might be one of my misguided misconceptions.12:58 AM May 11th via web
- we live dangerous. we like it dangerous.12:57 AM May 11th via web
- tumblred: being with quintin -12:57 AM May 11th via web
- "Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly -- all these make for great stories."10:47 PM May 10th via web
- "When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves."10:46 PM May 10th via web
- "When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?" (Oh well, I'm dealing with my invisible monsters.)10:46 PM May 10th via web
- we need some corny in our lives. ;) ka miss ang dawson's creek. i feel old. ;010:41 PM May 10th via web
- Oh, magic and sweet lullaby Any lucky penny will do fine Oh, wish me here10:40 PM May 10th via web
- @ Segeha si Matthew. At least may kastorya ko di. ;p10:36 PM May 10th via web in reply to eViLbUnNy08
- Binalbagan- Manila- Tickling toes. ;p10:22 PM May 10th via web
- @ unsa namo pag find sa imo house sa binalbags kaithy? text me directions, am going gyud!10:21 PM May 10th via web
- @ wow kadamu sg tweet mo love!10:21 PM May 10th via web in reply to eViLbUnNy08
- Yehey ni-ulan. ;p Follow through.10:19 PM May 10th via web
- pagnag ulan makadto ko dah, dala red horse. the sweetest sms- simply tells me i'm a drunk on a weekday and need not wait for friday. ☺10:17 PM May 10th via web
- nia na sad akong SVA.10:16 PM May 10th via web
- lately, all the invites i'm getting is raen inum tah. why can't i get, raen let's smoke crack? hahaha.10:15 PM May 10th via web
- don't grow up too soon. honeybaby. 10:15 PM May 10th via Twitpic
- Hay unta gi-ingun ko last nyt niya na wala ko atraso niya cuz wako ni ask og phone and paswipe og sneakers using his card. Sayang. ;p10:04 PM May 10th via web
- All the election news make me sick in the tummy. Yeah, where will our taxes go in 6 year's time? 10:01 PM May 10th via web
- Saw Michael Angelo during lunch last night. It felt very odd that I don't gripe about not seeing the person daily. We're kaygoodgood tho.9:54 PM May 10th via web
- Kenji's platelet count is 38. :( 9:53 PM May 10th via web
- o bitaw it boils down to counting it all joy and sucking it up and being kind.9:47 PM May 10th via web
- First day in class was fast and boring. Hehehe. I got 6 learners. 6! Imagine that!9:46 PM May 10th via web
- he’s drunk, he tastes like candy, he’s so beautiful he’s so deep, like dirty water, he’s so awful. ♡9:46 PM May 10th via web
- Crying shame.9:46 PM May 10th via web
- Manila, Manila, I got booked for Manila and do not know what to do there.9:42 PM May 10th via web
- And I say: Oh my F*ck. 12:53 AM May 10th via web
- Lights will guide you home. ♥12:45 AM May 10th via web
- "You know how they say you only hurt the ones you love? Well, it works both ways."12:38 AM May 10th via web
- "Today is the sort of day where the sun only comes up to humiliate you."12:37 AM May 10th via web
- "...the only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open."12:37 AM May 10th via web
- "You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past."12:36 AM May 10th via web
- "It's so hard to forget pain, but 8's evn hardr to remmber sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little fr peace."12:36 AM May 10th via web
- Raen pod ka samun lunch sa pinakaninja carenderia na pinakanamit sa Bacolod? T*no. Haha. Sweetest invite I got in ages.12:34 AM May 10th via web
- Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 12:12 AM May 10th via web
- Public School Teachers are Heroes. Next President give them the correct retirement benefits. Wag dayain ang mga guro!12:09 AM May 10th via web
- Eretar. Pag-ebeg.12:07 AM May 10th via web
- This little pig cried wee wee all the way home last night.11:46 PM May 9th via web
- bloggered: 11:36 PM May 9th via web
- tumblred: 11:32 PM May 9th via web
- Insecurity Reigns in an Ugly Heart of an Empty Brain.11:23 PM May 9th via web
- Pork Adobo fills the kitchen and the living room. Hehehe. And will stick to my sheets. 11:09 PM May 9th via web
- Maayos, mapayapang Pilipinas. Di lang sa halalang ito, kung hindi sa mga darating panahon. 11:05 PM May 9th via web
- @ go Mai! ☺11:03 PM May 9th via web in reply to MyMariaTV
- @ see you Friday. Lunch at 21, it'll be! ☺11:02 PM May 9th via web
- Suck it up and be kind. ♥6:29 PM May 9th via web
- Laundry.6:29 PM May 9th via web
- Ma, Shobe, Dichee I love you. 'sdaytoolateagreeting.6:16 PM May 9th via web
- tumblred: 6:13 PM May 9th via web
- bloggered: 6:10 PM May 9th via web
- Sun-drenched, dehydrated, hubog weekend per weekend. I keep forgetting the laundry. Oh mennnnnnnnnnnnnn!6:02 PM May 9th via web
- So I wind up too discomfited to ask.6:01 PM May 9th via web
- I was almost too curious and curiouser to ask for weed last night. It was smoked in a glass pipe- very pretty achully. And then I peed.5:58 PM May 9th via web
- Great summer. When sun burnt skin hurts, you know you colored quite nicely with the risk of skin cancer. Hehe.5:57 PM May 9th via web
- Finally figured out how to upload using java. Was reading instructions wrong.5:56 PM May 9th via web
- Monday too soon, taking on a new class, this means another separation anxiety for me.5:55 PM May 9th via web
- Juan Vote. God bless the Philippine Islands. ☻5:55 PM May 9th via web
- A day heals itself quite wonderfully.1:00 AM May 7th via web
- If it hurts, make it hurt more.1:00 AM May 7th via web
- Oh well, cannot wait for the Sipaway weekend. I'm tres excited!12:59 AM May 7th via web
- It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired - you quit when the gorilla is tired.12:59 AM May 7th via web
- Mama Mia! ☺12:45 AM May 7th via web
- I wish I had the grace of a ballerina in life and in a dance.12:44 AM May 7th via web
- the nutcracker google. so beautiful. 12:43 AM May 7th via Twitpic
- Should be packing for Sipaway but has got zero energy. I'm a ninja, I'll be ready in a few minutes!12:42 AM May 7th via web
- Abba and Kenji and chocolate fudge cake and calamansi soda. Yeah, we're soaking up the heat of the summer sun aryt! ♡12:41 AM May 7th via web
- Wants a pair of O'neill sneakers.5:53 PM May 6th via web
- Mature nako eh. ;p5:50 PM May 6th via web
- I said I'm sorry to someone I've hurt today. I'm a meanie likedut at times, it felt good to say sorry and mean it.5:50 PM May 6th via web
- RT @: Don't hang on too long, but don't let go too soon. -Mitch Albom 5:46 PM May 6th via web
- RT @: Dear Cupid.. Can you shoot us both the next time? Thanks. 5:46 PM May 6th via web
- Summer. And sun salutations. Sipaway. And Raena being there. ☺5:46 PM May 6th via web
- tres foutu , bloody foutu!5:42 PM May 6th via web
- Easy comes, easy goes.5:30 PM May 6th via web
- Sipaway. Rolls nicely on my tongue. And bangs my swollen tonsils.5:30 PM May 6th via web
- Lurve is totally punk rock.3:35 AM May 6th via web
- "But, outside of being a sweet little girl, she was awfully dumb and capable of doing horrible things."3:17 AM May 6th via web
- @ literally? Sorry Pip, I'm so full of shitty drama these days, explaining the tweets and tumblrlogs.3:17 AM May 6th via web in reply to rakstarppip
- "It all ends in tears anyway."3:15 AM May 6th via web
- old bio 3:14 AM May 6th via Twitpic
- "Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry." ♡ Jack Kerouac3:11 AM May 6th via web
- I feel like it’s too much to ask for more than what the sky can rain on our needy heads. ♡2:33 AM May 6th via web
- Kenji while using my notebook and some windows opened: I did not touch.. Hay, thank You Lord, maka storya na ang amang.2:32 AM May 6th via web
- The only Pinoy speak that my nephew can say correctly is agay. He is soooo cute.2:30 AM May 6th via web
- Pede kaha ko pabakuna, contra mga chakang chismosa sa work place, contra being byuda and bigo and contra malas? Pede kaya?2:29 AM May 6th via web
- the supposed bone on my lacerated gum is a part of a broken tooth. effing ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.2:28 AM May 6th via web
- Sana weekend na. The only indulgence I can afford and not afford(on week days) is sleep.2:27 AM May 6th via web
- @ haha, i still can complain pip, i pay tax. ;p2:21 AM May 6th via web in reply to rakstarppip
- will not stress over my nikon, it served its purpose for over 2 years. it's just a piece of plastic and steel no matter how costly it is.2:20 AM May 6th via web
- RT @ Always find a way to smile, eventually - no matter what has happened.2:19 AM May 6th via web
- RIP Nikon. :(2:15 AM May 6th via web
- kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaygood.7:04 PM May 5th via web
- RIP wallowing.7:03 PM May 5th via web
- Hot new lover. Why do girls bother?6:58 PM May 5th via web
- New resolve. Be belligerent as well. ;p It doesn't help to be Dawn Zulueta when some gals are Gretchen Barretto.6:57 PM May 5th via web
- Hey Thursday, leave me a few good hours of nothingness and laziness will you?6:56 PM May 5th via web
- March, you came and left too soon.5:31 AM May 5th via web
- wrong thing, you make my heart sing.4:50 AM May 5th via web
- Look Lord, I need an office and maybe a 40k paying job. Dyo mind giving it to me while I'm 28?4:43 AM May 5th via web
- why would they call this hair treatment cellophane? my hair and my bangs now looked put twogether. ;p4:39 AM May 5th via web
- summer's causing me dizzy spells and dehydration and a humongous sore throat. i need another bottle of pei pak hua.4:36 AM May 5th via web
- saving should be fun. and should be a life habit.4:32 AM May 5th via web
- life hiatus in the mean time. i'm not a drunk or a teahead. i'll be uncool for a whilst.4:32 AM May 5th via web
- I’m a wretch. But I love, love.2:00 AM May 5th via web
- When I have a baby I'll name it, Quintin.1:59 AM May 5th via web
- Quintin. ♥1:58 AM May 5th via web
- woke up in between snores. i know, this is not a good time to hit the beach. i'm really, really sick.1:57 AM May 5th via web
- paid my cc bills. ugggggggg. this makes life sad sad sad.1:56 AM May 5th via web
- will not go fasting anymore. i cannot carry a 5 kg grocery bag in sm today. it's that bad.1:56 AM May 5th via web
- save T*no and batchoy and missing the lad.1:48 AM May 5th via web
- my hairdresser worked 4 hours on my drrrrrrrry hurrrrrrrrrrr. yes, i've nothing more interesting to care about in life.1:48 AM May 5th via web
- James Taylor and I share the same birthdate, so do Jack Kerouac, my dingledodie. ☺4:49 AM May 4th via web
- badly need to clean the bedroom floor. my things are allover the place.12:22 AM May 4th via web
- two days paid time off- how wonderful! i don't get holiday pays but, i get to take time away from work. neat.12:21 AM May 4th via web
- last night's shift: floor-walked, got +/- hair reaction- cmon it's just hair be kind ppl, belligerent gal talks shit bwt me, tired, tired.12:21 AM May 4th via web
- balik salon tomorrow. too tired to move my tush and tell my hair dresser my hair needs a follow through.12:19 AM May 4th via web
- painted my nails black. when it chips it's gonna be very lilo. ;p12:19 AM May 4th via web
- Yeah, I can speak fookien in a very rudimentary way and say the craziest things.12:18 AM May 4th via web
- Gayfriend: Din beh chia? Raena: Hoh. Gayfriend: Din beh chia sheh mee? Raena: Beh chia lantiaw.12:17 AM May 4th via web
- RT @ Run mad as often as you choose.12:13 AM May 4th via web
- @ woman! I'm not sure if you made it to Guimaras. Ontha otherhand. Unta we could've met in BCD! :(12:12 AM May 4th via web in reply to TheShaolinChin
- yugs. 4 hours sa salon. yatap. my sun burnt skin hurts pa gyd. gluck later.5:21 PM May 2nd via web
- qatar, take me with you.7:21 AM May 2nd via web
- you cannot miss something you've never had7:21 AM May 2nd via web
- The first time this trainee crush talked to me on the bus ride home. ☺ Kilig.2:37 AM May 2nd via web
- Home from Guimaras.2:36 AM May 2nd via web
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fallen rain. (: