Monday, October 18, 2010


  1. How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone
  2. uggh. reuters' tweet makes me wanna quit facebook.
  3. really great. but like me, he has a temper of a 6 yr old child. and yells when i yell. imagine a 6 foot 2 giant yelling at a 5 foot 1 dwarf!
  4. a couple of weeks ago whilst in the, j surprised me with an aluminum-thin ring, in between got me a mars choclit bar, my fave. the boy's..
  5. walang po-ot.
  6. ppl cant be expected to be nice, forgiving, make right choices, shut up, map out their lives in their 20s. who are you kidding?
  7. a 25 year old girl whose battle was lost to cystic fibrosis 6 months ago chronicled her death.
  8. me and my temper. i have been yelling and throwing fits this past few days. i wonder why i can't just be calm and affable. lol.
  9. i hope everyone stays safe, warm, and dry in this weather.
  10. should we worry about this rain fall?
  11. i pray it'll be a non-working holiday for this city tomorrow so i can get a 3 days off this week.
  12. well, hello monday, i did not miss you too much.
  13. save tonight (:
  14. who doesn't miss eagle eye cherry?
  15. I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer.You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?
  16. old friend asks me how i deal w/ a loss. i think i dealt w/ so much losses in my life that i wouldnt thnk of any coping mechanism.
  17. j and i went out for drinks and inasal during masskara(photoset):
  18. "Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do." CSL
  19. to the spa, to the spa. my weary heart wants a massage sooo badly.
  20. the weekend:masskara at L fisher, food shopping & dibidi pirating, staying in. oh boy, i feel old.
  21. it seems like the longest weekend of my life. i'm sooooo depressed, i end up crying over the littlest things. almost that time of the month!
  22. j couldn't build a fire over a charcoal grill, & there and then i lost my temper. uggggh, my heart!
  23. When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose #bobdylan
  24. gumption welcomed
  25. conde nast teaches etiquette in tipping.
  26. chanson du soleil, sun is coming out for us. (:
  27. @rakstarppip Thanks Pip. It's much needed.
  28. “When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” -Shakespeare
  29. one must have an emergency fund & a plain savings acct. makagaba when i think abt finances!
  30. do not put all your eggs in one basket- thought on savings. ouch.
  31. 30 Things Every Woman Should Quit Doing By 30 | The Frisky
  32. 'Shaming' her in-laws costs 19 year old her nose, ears Blogs via @cnn #saferworldforwomenandchildren
  33. i have a soft spot for people who go to war, being mindanao and cotabato -raised.
  34. in HA airport, a soldier asked me if i can keep his place for him as he 4got to pass thru a screenr, w/out hesistation i said yes.
  35. my prayers for the fortitude of men and women in the military service who are responsible for peace and order of any country.
  36. This year's U.S. death toll in Afghanistan the highest - #cnn :(
  37. on a cheerful note, i got my speedo membership card today. but, i might get swimwears fr MNG. waaaaay cheaper!
  38. today's ee cummings' birthday. (: cities may overflow(am was)

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fallen rain. (: