Tuesday, July 31, 2007

hope springs eternal

Disappointments are part and parcel of life. In this circus of existence, you cannot have your way all the time.

Things change; people change. Events and results have an unpredictable and uncontrollable way of happening.

To keep you from being utterly frustrated and dismayed, here are some things to avoid or at least soften the pangs of great disappointment:

1. Expect the best but be ready for the worst.

When you work hard on something, it's natural to expect the best results. And the most glorious rewards.

But sometimes things don't turn out the way you want them to.

To keep from being dreadfully dismayed, expect the best, but at the same time, psyche yourself up for the worst. Then you'll be ready for any unexpected turn of events!

2. Give it your best shot.

Much of the frustration that follows a failure is the big disappointment you feel towards yourself.

When you do not try hard enough, you are overcome with guilt and regret.

In whatever you are doing, do your best, give it your best shot.

Then you'll know you did all you can and you should be proud for trying.

3. Realize that you cannot own people.

We often expect people to act or be a certain way that would be congruous to how we want them to be.

Realize that you do not and can not own people.

Each person has his own mind and the natural right to free will. Give others the gift of space and freedom.

Remember that when you lose someone, whatever you were expecting was not meant to be.

4. Realize that we are just temporary stewards of things.

When you lose material things, whether they are stolen from you or gutted down by a fire,

minimize your grief by realizing that we are just temporary keepers of what we own.  

They will finally find their way to where they were destined to be. Besides, when you finally go, you cannot take a single thing with you.

5. Never expect anything back.

People get bitterly disappointed when they don't get back what they give to others.

People always expect (some even demand!) repayment.
This is a major cause of extreme frustration. When you help someone (especially financially) do not expect anything back.

Think of it as a gift of love that's given freely and completely with no strings attached.

6. Don't pin your life on one person.

You would be doing yourself a great injustice if you pinned your life on one person.

No one person should take control, importance or dominance over your existence.

People come and go in our lives. If you depend too much on someone, you will feel so shattered, helpless and hopeless if you lose him.

Make sure you can stand on your own two feet. And live your own dreams, not other people's.

7. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

To avoid disappointment from losing anything, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

It's a good practice to have more than one project happening so that when one fails, you have others to look forward to.
Regarding financial investment, it is wise to diversify.

The more things you have going, the less the chance of losing it all.

8. Realize that success is a combination of many factors.

You do not have full control over the outcome of things.

Even with all the necessary preparations and precautions, things may end up differently from how you want them to.

There are many factors and variables that determine how something or an event will turn out.

And that includes the weather!

9. Realize that you will always get another chance.

If you don't succeed now, there will always be another time.
Tell yourself that maybe it just isn't the right time yet for what you desire.
Keep in mind that you will always get another chance to get a crack at it.

Never lose hope. Hope springs eternal.

10. Realize that without defeat, victory won't be as sweet.

You have to feel the bitterness of failure to be able to savor the sweetness of success.

Failures make you strong and powerful.

Use them as a challenge for more determination to go after your dreams next time.

Analyze why you failed and learn from your mistakes.

11. Realize that the universe has its own divine plan.

Yes indeed, the universe has a divine design.

It has its own unchangeable, unique plan which may be very different from yours.

You may not understand it at all for now, but it is something you have to force yourself to live with.

Going against the current will just frustrate you.

Do what the Zen masters preach: Go with the flow!

12. When things turn out awry, it's not the end of the world.

The world will not end just because something did not turn out the way you expected it to.

It will keep on turning even if you cried a bathtub of tears in your own little dark corner.

So dry your eyes and erase those disappointments.

Hey, Friends! Flash on a smile! Tomorrow is another day.



enhanced photos


rainy days

oh, the worldwide web.. discovered something new from scrapblog today.. i can actually export the scrapbook pages as jpeg.. the pictures come out prettier.. with its background and stickers.. :)

starting with me

If I had a dime for half the things I did that didn't make no sense at all
I'd be living a little higher on the hog

If only I'd have known
That later on down the road

I'd look back and not like what I see

I'd have changed a lot of things
Startin' with me..


we are back to fast food. but, before i complain even further am sharing danielle's blog post that i came across today..

terribly blessed to have the ppl i have in my life.. as mike would ppl it.. kung wala kwarta, wala kaso ah.. :)

on marriage:moi:nge, a girl would want things legal siguro.. he was like, di ah, syempre, you want things right in front of God..


all right.. tuesday's getting better. ♥


Monday, July 30, 2007

pink chuvaness

watch out nalang jud kung ako si mischa barton.. haha..
all from cutesy shoes..
mai, nindut diay ila mga stuff.. pede pambaliw..

happy firsts...

happy anniversary TP wave one..


sa matandog lang ah. mga bords.. this team has come a long way.. it's most def an honor to be working with such brilliant/ techie minds..

much love. God Bless..

just before the party gets old

http://czaweena.multiply.com/photos/album/109 for the complete album
-- 7/28/2007 til 7/29/2007
saturday dinner at time out with czarina kram sly jerjer doni, and it's just about to begin..(fried chicken and garlic rice-yum!)
the guys plus georgette had booze at mo2, kram ordered long island iced tea for me.. kadiri galores the alcohol.. haha.. see, i haven't touched the thing for a month! trust me, i can quit..and we ordered onion rings and kram paid.. eh kaso, the jerk of a waiter did not serve it, kaya nag one two three kami.. and did not pay for the booze. bleh. utot.
then we headed to bliss for karaoke.. lovelove sang closer you and i, masking off key, bhala na.. hehe.. sly grabbed the mic from us and finished the song. iloved mark's numbers.. haha.. maxadong pamatay colegialang a whole new world.. hehe..
the guys still wanted more alcohol and wanted to belt their lungs out, we all proceeded to this off the creek pub, aiwan ko kung safe dun.. but, they all sang laklak.. and i, being the only sober person in the world would just laugh at the wasted ones..
breakfast at business inn after..
most fun weekend in this lonely city.

color me content

today would be our first month. i will start not counting becuz if i do, things will be jinxed. we had a minor rift last week.. i guess we do need other ppl. i just thought that when he moved in about a month ago, we will just make do with us.. pero, we have friends, and am more understanding of ME time and time out and having friends.. it's just that i felt like late saturday night parties got old when i started seeing mike. he would ask me why i started being a hermit and why am i more buotan with him around.. maybe it's a conscious effort that i am making not for him but for me.. maybe, just maybe, this relationship would mean something. everyday, it's teaching me a thing or two about patience, about seeing the worst in a person, about unshaven legs and smelly armpits, about sharing, about being willing to be happy for someone, about looking forward to the dailiness of work..and one day, i hope to share my sisters, my nephew, my folks, my faith, My Jesus to him that i love.


sunday afternoon, we saw ratatouille(a seasoned stew made of eggplant, tomatoes, green peppers, squash, and sometimes meat-m-w.com-teehee) , the whole time i thought touille would be a hobby that was a fad when i was in gradeschool-the kind where you punch fancy shapes out of thin paper.. and then of course, touille would have to be luisa beccaria's dresses..anyhoo, i thoroughly enjoyed the movie albeit mike not wanting to see it at first. he had fun too. maybe becuz i was overly reacting to every scene in the movie and maybe because the cheese and sour cream and onions taters' fries did something to his systems..


we had chicken bacolod for lunch today. and i've been whining for chocoweb donuts and pineapple juice. he gave in. waaaaaah. we decided to hunt for "couple" watches and wanting to buy a pair from kenneth cole.. paksit ang 13th month pay if madayun.. hehe..


crayola galores nasad cuz it's that time of the month. argh.

michael angelo ong. you meant a city to me..


This is the happiest day of my life, because today I have fallen in love. I have fallen in love, not like a silly girl falls in love, because a boy catches her eye or tells her some foolish story. I am in love, and this love will last forever...

and the realization has made this the happiest day of my life." Philippa Gregory



sunday breakfast of the champions

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

at business inn. sunday, july 29, 2007..
i am supposed to write a review.. this would the most fun i had in gastronomic proportions..
with mike, czar, sly after they went boozing saturday night..
sayang mark IT went home..
the food review..(oh well, lemme do an epicurean review after seeing ratatouille sunday!)

the kansi was stocked up with broth and the tanginess to it was just about right.. i wonder if they should make it more peppery or whether it should be hot or spicy//
iloved the grilled boneless bangus best becuz of its belly- i love milk fish fat and iloveloved the buttery sauce with calamansi..
i had pasta.. as useless, i am not a rice person unless i feel like gobbling rice.. as always, i don't like parmesan cheese because of its smell. the pasta did not go too well with my taste buds that morning. its meat sauce had too much meat and sweetness to it..
czar's salibury steak was so so. it was a bit too. but, all in all the props to presentation. haha. and it was served with mushroom and gravey, so it's okay..
and with great happy wasted ppl whose hands crisscrossed the table.. i would toast to another full meal!

hacienda esloyo

saturday brunch(breakfast & lunch of champions- booze and pizza and chicharon) spent at the esloyos.. (7/28/2007) we ordered this huge huge pizza and everyone was wasted..
invites:: john c.
wala na. sira na ang 1 month being sober ko. i will be la lindsey lohan nasad. bow.


my girls looking so fine, minus me. argh.

Friday, July 27, 2007

`Ekolu Mea Nui

Three important things in the world
Faith, hope
And love, love is the best
And everything is blessed
And everything is blessed

Oh parents, children
Descendants of Judah and Ephraim
Think always that righteousness is best
And everything is blessed
And everything is blessed


corinthians 13:13

"And now abideth faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love" ♥

ballerina flats

nagdelirio na naman.

last year

Date: 2007-07-27 03:53
Subject: last year
Security: Public
Mood: cold cold
Music: daysleeper-REM
Tags: this song meant a city to me

in two days, it'll be my first year in this gawd-forsaken city.
there were good days and days when your smile is hollow and you are empty..
there were days when the sun soaked in my skin and i thoroughly loved it..
there were  days that brought me to salty sea waters around bacolod..
there were days when i continued to subsist because there were friends abounding and i found myself actually caring
there were days when i wanted to do little things for the person i cared about
there were days when work gets confusing and frustrating..

When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of everyone who built it. 
Hugh Newell Jacobsen 

Just as language has no longer anything in common with the thing it names, so the movements of most of the people who live in cities have lost their connection with the earth; they hang, as it were, in the air, hover in all directions, and find no place where they can settle.” 
Maria Rainer Rilke



it felt like it rained for eternity today.

i hated it with passion.


"Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. An intelligent, sensitive person is the exception, the very great exception. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment. The best you'll ever do is to understand yourself, know what it is that you want, and not let the cattle stand in your way." 

White Oleander by Janet Fitch


mao. no wonder ang bogo ganahan pod ug taong bogo.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

oh my.

nikadang ko to work. 7/27/2007

hey potter

cuz i thought i would need to refresh my memory about harry..

here's the link to the harry potter first 6 books' primer..

special feature from time.com

"It's a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it.  Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find their own surprise that they wear it well."


not for you(i can change my mind right?)

prolly,i am not for you as you are not for me..

nonetheless,it was fun while it lasted..

colored headache grey

thanks to kiss for posting the song lyrics.

Receiving department, 3 a.m.
Staff cuts have socked up the overage
Directives are posted
No callbacks, complaints
Everywhere is calm

Hong Kong is present
Taipei awakes
All talk of circadian rhythm

I see today with a newsprint fray
My night is colored headache grey
Daysleeper, daysleeper, daysleeper

The bull and the bear are marking their territories
They're leading the blind with their international glories

I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night

I see today with a newsprint fray
My night is colored headache grey
Don't wake me with so much

They cried the other night
I can't even say why
Fluorescent flat caffeine lights
Its furious balancing

I'm the screen, the blinding light
I'm the screen, I work at night

I see today with a newsprint fray
My night is colored headache grey
Don't wake me with so much.

The ocean machine is set to 9
I'll squeeze into heaven and valentine
My bed is pulling me,
Daysleeper, daysleeper
Daysleeper, daysleeper, daysleeper


oh, today could've been worst. i can cope. i am okay. i can walk away. and when i can, i can leave.

*tonight czar et moi got latter from GJ's. hehe.not one heartache that coffee cannot fix.

happy birthday to my dearest friend Verlaine. if you were a star, you would've been one of the brightest stars in my skies. turning 25 isn't so bad. i promise.


and to my dear sister Caryl Jo. you are bound for greatness.


love you girls..

the song's for both of you- products of the ateneo and the call center industry..and now, the banking industry. :)


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

calibration 7/26/2007

char lang oi

cuz wala ko kalibutan sa nagahappen sa concall, i borrowed mark's phone and mike's jacket.ang tukar ni andar. bow.


cuz we both showed up wearing dresses. and identical slippers.

pancakes and girls

7/25/2007 mister donuts lacson
with michaelangelo czarinageorgette nazelmarie
applecinnamon peanutbutterstrawberry pancakes hungarian sausage fettucini


When two people fall in love and suspect they are made for each other, the thing is to have the courage to break it off, for by continuing they have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Either/Or by Søren Kierkegaard


it's the end of the jollibee libertad series. hopefully. today, we had lunch at pepe's. grilled tangigue with pilaf rice.real food. the other day, we had pancit canton, at least that's the closet thing to real homecooked meal. and we got breakfast with nazel and czarina at mister donuts after tuesday night's shift.oh i wish i had a good camera. i wanted to take pictures of the croissants and pasta. the whole time i reckoned MD lacson was just a pacute donuts and coffee place.. hehe.

bacolod is a great city to splurge on food. you won't be disappointed. come visit. :)


verlainey and shobe.. here's to another year. love you both.


mamun and i hardly slept. i know we have had been fighting a lot. and we make up after i wind up crying. wut's nakakawindang is the thought that we would fight over the silliest things after we were okay and happy about other things.  but, all things are well. do you get the feeling that even if one person you cared about hurts you, you know or you would never doubt that this person loves you dearly and would not cheat? that's how it is right now..

waaaah. undangan ang mamun.

it's good that we are seated just one work station away from each other. we are both blessed to see each other on a daily basis.

all things soooo surreal at the present. i am truly happy. God has been wonderful altho, i do not act wonderfully.


i miss my sisters. from cebu last weekend, i got me a cult femme wedge. it's deep purple and it has tulip prints all over it. and i got four dresses! one, i got from dich.. waaaaah, i wanted to shop. here. pero am broke as a joke.

i came across kaith's wordpress blog. haha. kalingaw. i miss the girl..


*attached photo from today's breakfast. si nazel nagpakaregine na naman!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

happiness now

my devotional is still depressing. i know i should be getting a new one, however until i think i fully read streams then i can start getting a new book. i miss home(pungko2x land).

what would bacolod be without mike? haaaaaaaay.



Individuality is the rock of happiness.
Happiness is the vehicle of individuality.
Now is the bump of both.

-Len Lye

Monday, July 23, 2007

cebu cebu

lovely, shiny, happy!!!

"If you truly want to know a person, you need to look beyond the public face, the jobs on the resume, the books on the shelves, the family pictures on the desk. You may learn more from what's hidden in a drawer. There is always more to us than what we will admit."

Reefer Madness by Eric Schlosser

family portal

halo halo photos

lovely weekend,that weekend! (3)

later on in life nalang ang the rest of the photos kathra.. thanks for seeing me. muah.

lovely weekend,that weekend! (2)

7/21-7/23 2007
I’d be taken aback by such a series of coincidences if I weren’t so used to it. But my life swarms with inexplicable coincidences and I’ve come to regard them as so many reminders. It’s nothing – just fate keeping an eye on things and making sure I don’t forget its invisible but ineluctable presence.

lovely weekend,that weekend!

7/23/2007 cebu international airport

in installation- sunday's birthday lunch for shobe with the family// saturday-starbucks/ayala with my girls-kathra and narda..
cebu is love..

lovely weekend, that weekend.


okay, i lost all my harry potter info in mid-air and i totally think there's no chance of seeing the movie because mamun did not even read book 1.


oh today, we had yellow cab.. it's oddly good to be back.. bacolod is a comfort zone, lalo na cuz mamun is around..(haha, salamat, unta mahunong na ang pagjojollibee..)


i already miss my sisters.. shobe gained a few pounds..along with the weight would be the chance of losing it thru work- haha.. ikaw ba daw mag rack your brains thru a banking/credit card account? am sure she'll be looking like she's pro-ana when i am home september..


dich; she majorly turned into someone with self confidence.. it's great seeing that.. as always, she is beautiful.. with kenji in her arms.. she looks more beautiful..


ma told me i can get a tattoo.. or i believed so.. gawd, i miss mother..


saturday, i spent with kathra and narda.. it's great to see my gals talk about kris aquino.. haha..


kenji is perfect..


Friday, July 20, 2007


props to shobe for getting two job offers for a team leader/supervisor post.. yey! i think that has got to be the best birthday gift for your 23rd year..iloveyou baby..

welcome to the support group shobe.. welcome to the real world pod.. teehee! cumpleto na sa promotion ang la familia.. si kenji nalang dapat epromote to preschool! yey..




okay i am not the most original person in the world, and i am instruction-challenged..

but here goes my first attempt for online scrapbooking..

love or something like it

thanks leen for sharing! much love! ♥


of mesh and lace

i got this from aileen.. :)

it's pretty and very easy to use..
oh well, the truth is, i took 30 minutes figuring it out, til i actually clicked on the video instructions.. lols..


Booking into a NeoLodge

Your hotel bill is as follows, this will be deducted out of your Neopoints

Basic Hotel Cost : 100 NP
Number of Extras : 1
Cost of Extras : 5 NP
Cost per Night : 105 NP
Number of Nights : 3