Monday, July 9, 2007



"I breathe very quietly, waiting for the dawn. A cloud parts, and moonlight shines down on the trees in the garden. There are just too many coincidences. Everything seems to be speeding up, rushing toward one destination."

-Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami, trans. by Philip Gabriel



God had been awfully amazing these days.. i know my i've been putting off certain things that i should've been doing however, i still have the assurance that i am loved, despite the screw-ups.. yessssssss, pinangga masking sipyat..(and oh, i'd want a bible- NIV- the kind with pink patent leather)

maybe next time, i should not ask for any life-altering experiences.. since last week there has just been too many changes taking in on one place; it's altogether a thrill and a huge scare..

okay ppl are talking, give em something to talk about eh.. bleh..puro lang man sad ginamus ila mastorya-an and masulti.. again, tama si bob marley.. before you point your fingers at me, make sure that your hands are clean..


dear sister sheila may called sunday while cee and i were going thru the clothes in maldita.. she'd put on the loud speaker only to lemme hear kenji cry.. psycho mom..

and i told her to tell mother that i'd be in a domestic partnership in the incoming months(okay iam kidding!!).. ma replies with: sge pag live in arun ma-HELL ka..


so, saturday, we ended up staying at home cuz it rained and slept the day.. i don't like it when we accidentally pick fights and end up not doing anything productive during the day.. i don't like the pettiness of some things.. i don't like our pettiness.. i know i liked our passion for certain things, like being particular about shoes and clothes.. other than that, i hated distrust and mis-translation(if there is such a thing).. i loathed it when we end up saying the wrong things and one of us spaces out..i do not like it when any of us would wind up not liking each other becuz of the trivial facts about us that we do not understand or could not accept.. okay, next!!

cee and i had our faces and noses poked.. again, i wonder why gals endure such things.. and we bought a super cheap wrap top from memo, she got the black version and i got the white one.. i know i am the luckiest person to find friends like her here.. and i can be completely honest about things without holding them back and having to candy color them before i can say them to her.. the sale broke my heart.. as useless walang kwentang payday ang 5th of the month..


waaaaaaaaah mike and i had our supposed, coincidental first date at chicken house cuz i wanted chicken inasal and garlic rice when i got home(chicken bacolod to some)// then we headed to sorrento for drinks.. I SAW NARDA.. gawd, ilove that girl..makes me want to pack my things up and go home to cebu.. then we headed to casino filipino to chitchat some more..


today, maxadong paksit our supposed real movie date.. if we saw die hard 4 or transformers, we would've been late for work, so we opted for fast food dinner and headed back home to sleep 2 more hours.. ang sama going to work.. WHY WASN'T I BORN RICH BITAW?..


m: langga, kalain sg yellow shirt ko, daw ka plain tee.. huhu..


imagina; mas inta pa nako si lovelove..

undangan ang mamun.. happy work week.. God Bless..





  1. pirmi man naa.. hahaha..

  2. Hahaha bitaw sad noh..ehehehe

  3. uu. hahaha.. faetch..mare diko kauli in time for your wedding..ako-a payday is the 5th.. faetch..

  4. Hala mao bah? ka answer na jud na?

  5. hahaha.. duha ka wedding ako di maadtuan this august(well, kamu lang man sad duha ni invite hehehe)..
    muuli man gud ko july 21, so ako moolah igo rajud for that weekend.. faeta.. again..

    why weren't i borne rich?

  6. Ai mao bah? naa okasyon ana? or laag2 lng?hehe

  7. bisita sa baby.. holiday!

  8. Cute ang inta nga laki! ahehehe.. kis-a ka lang kita sina chi! Mangita man ko! hehehe

  9. ara na gyd lang mag early log in pra cmu.. hahahahaha..

  10. waaaa... into niya lang to yah... ahhahaa... indi ko.. indi siya inta.. into siya! hehehe... committed ang tawo achi bala.. =p

  11. ginasunlog ko sya cee.. haha..


fallen rain. (: