Friday, March 25, 2011

chronicles of the flight of the stork

This is TMI I know, but this pregnancy is really an exciting part of my growing up. Not only did I not expect it, my whole being shook so hard upon learning that the stork is coming early just before Christmas of 2010. I googled a chart/calendar of my pregnancy and this is what I got. So the following photos are a document of my babypirate's "growing up" inside my tummy. This is me as of late. I'm 20 weeks pregnant in this photo. My boyfriend took this a day before I turned 29. My belly is really noticeable at this point. Now the nudges are clearly my baby's. At 4th month. I've been experiencing quite a few kicks, here and there. 4th month, I keep wearing black because Dichee tells me of an old wives' tale that black protects the baby from aswang. Haha. I don't mind people holding my tummy, so I just wanna make sure it stays protected. This was the time when I also felt the quickening. where the baby moved first. Felt like I have tiny hands moving/swimming inside me. My baby pirate is 3 months old in this photo. It's around two months old at this time.
Pirate's on its second month here. ;p

my first month. i'm around 5 weeks with child.

This is when it is about 2 weeks old. I can still fit in a stretch trousers. Pirate is a few days old here. ♥ What a miracle it is to have allergy attacks and at the same time carry a tiny zygote. This is the day I conceived. Haha. I have a very good track record of keeping things for posterity. The whole experience is surreal, frustrating, strange, and scary for me but at the same time it keeps me hopeful. That I might make the right life decisions because I have my little imp. God's been gracious. <3

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