aileensiroy Aileen Siroy
It's truly difficult to trust people who are friends with people you cannot trust.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Weird how my child changed everything. I can't go out on a Saturday night, at times it's not okay but most times it is. (:
CSLewisDaily C. S. Lewis
God cannot bless us unless He has us. Therefore, in love, He claims all. There's no bargaining with Him.
CSLewisDaily C. S. Lewis
The real test of being in the presence of God is, that you either forget about yourself altogether or see yourself as a small, dirty object
CSLewisDaily C. S. Lewis
When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place. #CSLewis
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Taffy will have a Catholic dedication tomorrow. She'll have another one in my religion next year. So kevs.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
One year ago yesterday- when I found out that I was pregnant with Taffy.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Had a hearty breakfast at Pancake House Ayala with Paula, Vincent, and Jordan.
oschambers Oswald Chambers
God never gives us discernment so that we may criticize, but that we may intercede.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
RickWarren Rick Warren
God is never impressed with strength.He deliberately allows your weaknesses for the purpose of showing HIS strength THRU u.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
rakstarppip Ppip Cimafranca
Gisugsug gyud ko sa MS Powerpoint. Dili ka cute. Pwes, mag Keynote nako.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
I could not remember the last song you sang to me, is it because I'm already losing you? Essssssssss.
girlsproverbs Girls
Some people just don't realize how much they hurt us until someone does the same thing to them.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Crazy how you find wanting of the person you cudn't possibly ever hv in this lifetime, crazier if that person feels the same for you.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Who I am and what I am capable of doing has always managed to surprise me.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Sunday. November 20. I looked
ninagarcia Nina Garcia
"Is someone different at age 18 or 60? I believe one stays the same." #quote by Hayao Miyazaki. I LOVE his movies
idillionaire idillionaire
Facebook relationship status should have the option: "is getting played by_______"
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
An AM told me, I have the job because some people in the company believed that I can carry it out and they'd need someone to do it. #ganyan
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
See I miss Taffy when I'm at work, but when I'm baby-sitting her I would always wish for a nanny. Is this relatable?
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
The kids are at Mactan Doc. I am too lazy to take my own daughter to the doctor. Hay.
disneywords Disneywords
Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force. –Barbie (Toy Story 3)
idillionaire idillionaire
Never let somebody's opinion of you become your reality, you're letting them win.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
alexa_chung alexa chung
America needs some pubs. Sundays are dry, you should all be getting drunk. #facts
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
unsay tawag sa duha ka almost minyu nya mag sigeg hang-out kay tungod they like each other's company? pasabta ko. dautan ba ni?
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
it is hard to take the high road when you know you might accidentally step on too much crap. (:
disneywords Disneywords
What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice. –Pocahontas
idillionaire idillionaire
You miss me, but you're not doing anything about it, hmm yup sounds convincing.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
When they uttered her name, it bothered me, she actually had a name. And this messes my head. And squishes my heart. :(
disneywords Disneywords
Cheshire Cat: “We could make her really angry. Shall we try?” | Alice: “No, no.” | Cheshire Cat: “Oh, but it's loads of fun!”
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Kita naman ko mga law-ay nga mga pobrecitos bwas nga damo issue. Yodifota.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Sometimes bah, it's crappy when people tell you to be the better person. That's not the goal baya.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
proweba na nilaag ko last night.…
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
is getting out of here. Have a happy weekend Cebu and Bacolod. (:
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Shobe snagged an invite from F21's franchiser for the opening fashion show, then learned too late about it. Dah.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
I thank God there are people like Alvin, Ralph, and Sean. If there's none like them here, I'd go berserk.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
If you were my friend, then be a friend and listen, don't tell me you're olats cuz you're affected.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
Even good vibrations and what can you do about it speeches are annoying.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
If things were to be, we can't just be all positive when I'm toxic, cuz if it's all positive, then let's just smoke weed and be positive.
amazingginamus Raena Chulalongkorn♔
You can't just stay on the neutral grounds and say you're Switzerland.
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fallen rain. (: