Monday, September 3, 2007

as the city clears past thru me


bad photos from the weekend. still posting. am shameless. my boy reads dan brown. haha. passe. who would care???
and my laundry. laundry is a sacred experience. :)
and my tired labandera face.. :)

and a plea to quit smoking. smoking kills.. sept. 1-3, 2007


oh, the gift of another day.

saturday i cleaned the pad. kept it to a level of spic and span. did the laundry. and had to fold my clothes, not certain til when i'd keep it to a point of tidy 'nuf. i terribly miss my sisters.

dear Lord, if You do hear me, thanks for the weekends, they're a soothing balm to an ailing, tired, sore soul.

Myspace Layouts

"Maturity," Bokonon tells us, "is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything."

Cat's Cradle- Kurt Vonnegut


fallen rain. (: