Tuesday, May 2, 2006


my body clock is crazed,the new queue's 5 week training started, and it's definitely doing tricks on me, likewise, i have this cystic zit which conveniently popped in between my two eyes, near my forehead and it looked like a bindi, spell check, of an Indian gal...bwehehehe. i miss my team upstairs, too bad, sooo sad. =(


last night jaez smsd that i go catch up with them at east west. zero-energy, i slept thru the whole afternoon. talk about reclaiming real life.


and i cannot blog! huhu


april 30, summer extreme site general assembly of etelecare we care at tambuli east, i came wit jen and jniel, it was our last team building, a three men team...hehehe. we swam, did kayak, i joined the kayak relay, hehehe and fill a punched barrel with water. and jen and i had our butterfly henna tattoos done... the food served for dinner was great, and they even had a rustah band play reggae. the best summer party ever.


and yeah, i met two cute guys from sto. tomas, laguna wit bjane when we took a dip at the pool, gabo and pat, 4 and 10 year old respectively, hehehe. the cutest summer boys for the cutest summer gals... hehehe....


may 1- dichee's 23rd birthday, i got her a bayo flip flop. ngyoks. and she'll be a mom, i guess that's her present this year... ;)

meedits: the whole day was spent with shobe looking for better things to buy because it's a payday weekend....

when you have my shobe for a sister , you'll get dents on yer savings account.... we had chicken everything for dinner.....



i do not know wut i want from life now. i want to be with the friends i've had last year. any plans of going out? sms me, however, a call would be better, i don't do prepaid cards. Ü


  1. may gani ka kay napa ka'y savings account. ;o) hehehe

  2. what's your number man mare? hehe

  3. hala kay e-PM nalang naku, wa naku sun..gipahulos rato sko manghud..globe, tawgi ko!

  4. di gud. pseudo savings kung ganahan ra ko.
    abi nako mayo kay naa ko manghud mike!

  5. hehehe. sayang sunshine unta ta. heehee.

  6. oo mag buy ko...lisod ning wa kachika/ kalukring.


fallen rain. (: