Sunday, February 24, 2008

wist list part 1

hehehehe. we got a new place. like a real house and a lawn and when i say lawn it's huuuuuuuuge lawn, two bedrooms, a washroom, kitchen, a gigantic iron gate that makes the whole house creepy-looking, and neighbors on the second floor. yeah, we have neighbors but, with me living in the place, they'll eventually go. haha. it's not too much but, it's decent. and we are getting the dog! yeah. ;p it's half lab half golden retriever but total it to a retriever parin. ;p it's gonna cost us a whole lot of money and well, we kinda fairly divided bills in proportion to wut we're getting/taking home. fair na yun. ;p so the new couple (of wut?) lives with the mother and the grandmother. am psyche.

-- thursday night i caught influenza and informed everyone i'll be sick on my friday shift, which is altogether good for me cuz i cannot be ill this monday cuz i am teaching the wave 2 class. i hopefully cross my heart and fingers hope that they get something good from me. cuz i just saw the training schedule and i kinda have 2 classes for the rest of the summer. it sucks. but, i am happy. it's work. gotta love work. -- it's been raining. it's all dreary and gloomy whole weekend. -- did not do anything special friday cuz i wuz ill. saturday, we did an amazing race bacolod for the apartment. we were almost heat stroked and i had fever and we were just walking all over the city to find us a new place. i love my boy's patience, he always brings out the best kinda patience in situations where i am most impatient and idiotic.

God had been good, He knows how i have been living in a box since i moved out of home some 4 years ago. but, our contract has not been drafted yet. soooo nothing's final. but, at least we got a place to start. we saw jumper. ;p sunday, we were at gelo's place.

 it's still fastfood spree whole weekend well, since i got here. it's pathetic. so maybe when i will have a grandmother and a mother, our diets will be better. ;p happy work week all!!!


  1. wow! happy dwelling(",) have my prayers.

  2. heeey, congrats on the new place! :-)

  3. thanks tl. am super excited juds. ;0

  4. that's sweet. thanks gyud. ;p

  5. ateh malayo na talaga ang narating mo! I'm so happy for you.

  6. have i ever congratulated you jops sa inyo new place before? birthday nimo tomorrow! advance! i don't have your card/letter yet you know...:(

  7. mao. i missed greeting her. ;p

  8. hahahaha. kataw-anan ka bill. ;p


fallen rain. (: