Thursday, December 15, 2005

life as it is

Dec. 16th, 2005 | 08:55 am
mood: awake awake
music: oh baby i love your way

i love the way things are at the moment.
things could not get any perfect.

i just wish that not one heart would break during
Christmas eve.

Cuz it's supposed to be like so.



  1. so i-postpone ang heart breaking for after christmas? hehehe. juks.

  2. curik! after christmas emote again
    sayang mag emote mawalaan gana eat noche buena should one keep wallowing Ü

  3. could be a good thing to keep off the sinfully rich holiday goodies. hehe...

  4. ay postpone the diet juds...hehehe
    sge ra gud indulge, spell-check, we only get to live once...Ü


fallen rain. (: