Monday, December 10, 2007


"This matter of not being able to understand may not be as drastic as you make it out. Of course two peoples and two languages will never be able to communicate with each other so intimately as two individuals who belong to the same nation and speak the same language. But that is no reason to forgo the effort at communication. Within nations there are also barriers which stand in the way of complete communication and complete mutual understanding, barriers of culture, education, talent, individuality. It might be asserted that every human being on earth can fundamentally hold a dialogue with every other human being, and it might also be asserted that there are no two persons in the world between whom genuine, whole, intimate understanding is possible-the one statement is as true as the other. It is Yin and Yang, day and night; both are right and at times we have to be reminded of both. To be sure, I too do not believe that you and I will ever be able to communicate fully, and without some residue of misunderstanding, with each other. But though you may be an Occidental and I a Chinese, though we may speak different languages, if we are men of good will we shall have a great deal to say to each other, and beyond what is precisely communicable we can guess and sense a great deal about each other. At any rate let us try."

The Glass Bead Game - Hermann Hesse

yes, if i had one skill to master in my life, it is to be able to speak as many languages.. not only to be able to understand other people but also to be able to know their humor & laugh with them..

with all the languages we speak, this just goes to show how great a Creator He is..

i've been extremely blessed lately.. i know that before i carry out the plans in my heart, He already has had determined my steps. as johnny mentioned early this morning, things will fall into place, i just have to make good. and in making good, i thought, i should not compete but, just strive to, as they say in kindy; DO MY BEST.


told gelo how it feels when i am hurt.. and how i hoped things were. i hope he heard me correctly & would listen.

amidst all these craziness that overwhelmed me lately and will overwhelm me the next few months, i will always be grateful.



1 comment:

  1. insertAudioReply('bianca2x:video:10','upload-bianca2x-10','');


fallen rain. (: