Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maybe the greatest madness is to see life as it is rather than what it could be.

the year just rolled over just like that, when we had a toast of cheap wine during new years' eveand kenji went through the long bout with ITP and blood samples month per month and number of hospital stayscelebrating my 28th birthday with family and friends and not being insecure about almost getting to my 30s.going on road trips during summer and shamelessly wearing a bikini. kevs.feeling that i still am everybody else's forever summerand the dailys with keken and meeting j and so many other people and new addition to the family, a baby shar pei named cassto learning that the patooties can be loving to each other one minute and be spiteful the nextand the hospital visits to riverside, being diagnosed with TN, and getting allergies.

All in all, it's been rad. (:


  1. you look really radiant and beaming for someone with allergies?! i don't see those rashes amiga! baka pigments of imagination mo lang ah?! =) besos!

  2. i'm wrinkly and looks like a red prune as of late. bad quality phone camera. my allergies worsened, and i've to go thru prolonged medication. good news is, it's not terminal. haha.

  3. haha, march pa ko ni 28 cat.


fallen rain. (: