Monday, January 9, 2006

stellar, just stellar

it has been the longest,most boring weekend. i am grateful for sleep though, and real long night's sleep before i have to drag myself to work again tonight.

verlaine, thank you for the call, i lost my sanity last saturday afternoon, i was walking aimlessly in ayala, then i decided to go home. i realised, i will be 24 in less than 3 months, i have to be responsible or i will die young...hehehehehe. and thanks for telling me that i owe peoplesupport p200 in taxes...and most of my teamates who resigned as well. it was the most hilarious news i've gotten thus far.

jace, i am grateful for everything this friendship has gotten thru and how it will become years and years from now. and i truly miss you muchos.

of the most convenient place where a zit should grow, it popped out on my neck, this lil herpies simplex-looking thingy wit a yellow pus grossed me out this morning. pisti!

i am pmsing, i would really strangle tindera ng mais or her boyf should i see them together or not together....the mere mention of my name would not reduce a person as tactless. if allergen ako name sa both of you. get out of normal people's way.

and yesss, should i see former best friend in pink, i would truly, truly ask an ortho to straighten her sungki sungki teeth. cuz wa xa angay mag pink wit a sungki mouth.

and yessss, why did i ever consider myself in wuv wit a faggot some months ago? I AM IN YUCK at the moment. i hope anicka's dad takes the longest roadtrip and never SMS me again and tell every gal he sms that he had smsd me...binuang.tiriring.katok.

lyra, i hope i learned bitch fit much better.


  1. Maayo nalang gani wala sa imong ilok. Mas makapang f***n ka ug samot :-) Pay na the 200 tax utang aron dali maayo. Peace!

  2. mas okay pa na unlike mine. naa ba naman sa ilong. actually one naa sa bride sa akong nose. and the other two are under my nose. trade ta beh. at least imo matago. hehe =)

  3. i do not know sila man naay discrepancy sa witholding kay sila baya ga automatic deduction...heehee, karesign naman ko, so bahala sila.

  4. i do not know sila man naay discrepancy sa witholding kay sila baya ga automatic deduction...heehee, karesign naman ko, so bahala sila.

  5. nge murag constellation ako zits run sakit bitaw nang naa sa nose mishy hehehehehe... ΓΌ kalood ui nganu gistorya pa naku ning zits...hehehehe


fallen rain. (: