Sunday, March 30, 2008

half truth

"...Only painful truths 
that I have to live with
And terrible lies

That I cannot live without..."

"Sunday Morning Ponderings" - E.J. Esquivas

saw horton hears a who last saturday with gelo.
it was a lazy, tearful sunday. and our 9th month.

prayer honestly works. i don't want to sound preachy but, i had been in this morose/unhappy/hopeless mode the previous weeks until i saw a sign on a jeepney that says"try prayer, it works.."//  it does. He is there.

as useless, anyone who'd win a vegas casino jackpot can say THERE IS A GOD when he turns filthy rich. but, there really is a God. and He works.

happy monday!


  1. Thanks for this.

    I need this.

  2. mu-uli ko when i find time and when magbrato na airfare. kabuang, makabonggog.


fallen rain. (: