Friday, March 21, 2008

lemme go back

to starbucks' ayala cebu pinoy celeb dirt chikka with kathra and narda, to the sorrento wasted splendor summer nights with czarita et al, to portofino days with my gals from ps, to seeing the other side of the world ... maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, i do need a vacation.

Sometimes a traveller arrives in a town
that for some reason or other surprises him.
The manners of its inhabitants, the splendour, light fall,
the rhythm food is it the accent there is something that
makes everything purposeless in a way –
the traveller decides to leave the town when he
understands the town. This can take years. Sometimes
he doesn't ever leave.



  1. mare, makopya nga etoh.. mao tingali ni rason ngano pang 4-5 years ra ko sa ako lugar..
    meaning, nakasabot nako sa sugbu kelangan na mulayas diri..

  2. oo, ari na.. mangape ta..

  3. me thinks gawander off ko without understanding eh. hahaha.

  4. hahahaha. sowshal kaau mangape tag 125php. hehehehe.


fallen rain. (: