Thursday, November 30, 2006

i've come undone

it's december 1.


sobrang kilig. my mood, as compared to last year is soo much better. last year was heart-wrenching ang december 1. my Jesus, thank You.

peace is da bomb talaga.

i am going shopping! it's a declaration. promise. haha. and i am paying my debt and paying my bills on time. haha!

and i resolve to be more accurate with my monitors. haha.

kilig kilig kilig. :)

sighs. i cannot get enuf.

So, give up the right
To control the waves that empty out your life
Above wild skies
Are the rays that break the shadows we design

Give it up, let go
These are things you were never meant to shoulder
Give it up, let go

jars of clay- mike, am hooked!


cee, bwas nalang ta magwa. loveyou.



  1. so you mean to say na dili ka accurate sa imong mga qa evals? haha. merry christmas, raen. asa na man ang gift nako beh?

  2. bwahahaha. accurate ko oi, so far, wala pako dispute that was taken against me. bwahaha. i just don't feel like some agents should be on the floor taking calls. boohoo-wicked.

    ako friendship riggy mao ang best gift. hahahaha

  3. nice one. haha.

    merry christmas. :)


fallen rain. (: