Tuesday, August 14, 2007

life as it is..

l You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. l
Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. l It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle. l


..wanting to take that badly needed slash much-deserved leave.. when? i wouldn't know..

the pad is effing HOTness.. gelo and i were baked and toasted and crisped.. both of us have all sort of heat rashes..  zero sleep in the morning and the afternoon.. woke up to a "noooooo work please" mode..


oh God. some people really should get over themselves.. iritasyon galores..but, belligerence, i will do away with.. yopaks ang mairits.. :D


today's beef sopas and one million bottles of coke.. crappp.. my bladder sputtered and revolted against it.. i've been swearing much too much..


oh last sunday, i dreamt of gathering pearls with my sibs, more like harvesting pearls.. the only pearl i wasn't able to grab was the heart-shaped pearl cuz the oyster closed.. but, i got tons of them.. :D


A dramatic increase in wealth and social position are forecast in a dream featuring pearls, unless the string broke or you lost them, in which case you may expect some reverses before the advances. However, if you managed to gather them up or restring them, the reverses will be minor and the delay inconsequential.


Opening oysters in your dream is a warning that you have misplaced your confidence and are in danger of being cheated by someone you trust; reconsider any dealings you might be contemplating with friends. Eating oysters is a sign of good luck in love affairs, but if your main concern is business, this dream suggests that you will have to be more energetic and/or aggressive in asserting yourself if you want to succeed.


i somehow got clued in..

and i want these: images from the sartorialist :D

lalalatida lalala...


  1. haaaaaaaaay raen!
    i so lurve ur quirks! =)

  2. i sooo love myself pod ash.. hehehehe. toinks. tumbling! :D

  3. hheheehee nabuang sad ko sa sartorialist =p

  4. cuteness sa? lingaw ko sa mga fashionista blogs ai. egoogle tong kay rafe ny na blog. lingaw sad!

  5. sige go =p naa pa ka lain?

  6. wait sa cuz gapangita ko nindut..
    amongstworlds.blogspot.com kay gwapa sha.. murag kita.. haha..ug buotan, and not haughty. i don't like haughty girl bloggers.. murag mahater ko ana..
    http://elysesewell.livejournal.com/ kani sha kay katoh daug sa antm..


fallen rain. (: