Monday, July 10, 2006

In aeternum

In aeternum I was once determed

For to have loved and

My mind affirmed that with…my

Love it should be confirmed in




July 10, 2006


I know that love is forever but, I do not think that waiting for a job offer can take forever. If the plans to move to piyaya land won’t take place. I’ve to start over again. But, am never ever going to go back to aol. No, thank you very much.



So raen, tell me something about yourself that is not stated in your CV… hi am raen, I’m 24 years old, and am broke.





Ending in my fave movie quotes…


I could not sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.

                                  Danielle, ever after



she belonged to another, another forever

she belonged to the twilight and mists.





  1. when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true. -> the alchemist

  2. woooh jace! alive! yeah i hope it does/ am a child of the universe pa mad sad...i think....Ü *yakap*


fallen rain. (: