Tuesday, March 20, 2007

surround yerself with happy infectious ppl

am glad i bumped into joe// grim plus glum mood can be infectious//he told me to surround myself with happier people if i wanted to work effectively. i've been on a really happy streak lately, and i am sorry if i cannot jolly everyone out of their sour mood.

i cope with my own lil grey clouds at times// so i guess ppl should learn self-help.

cobwebs is not my fave word.(translate:sapot)

ialt3u//there's a slim chance that out of a hundred thousand ppl in this city, they can hire ppl with telco experience. we will do just fine. *) crossing my fingers.




  1. i was very moody yesterday! sour look. meaning, simakot. nyaks.. hugs! blue da ba dee da baba... ;)


fallen rain. (: