Thursday, February 8, 2007

the imp and unseen bruises

kenji and ma are here// sayang no photographs of his first airplane ride// gawd, i've the most adorable nephew// he was quiet and peaceful the whole time// and then i took them to robi to do groceries and buy toiletries for him, a bulk of the purchases were for him// and am thinking i've no home space for a baby or enuf money to afford something as cute as he is//ppl would actually look at him. grabeh ka head turner. ma ruins my "atik/ilad" mommy mode each time she says, "tita raen"...i told her i should be addressed as mommy raen. wahahaha.

gawd, nakakadisappoint, the ppl whom i thought knew me too well still would have me misunderstood. at times their opinions would eat me. am not pala-away or anything like it, am not even confrontational. it's just that when i do not like you, there's no use talking to you. parang fine, must see you go. :)

this is what i appreciate about jacel, verlaine, fifay- they know my deepest dirty crappiest self and were never judgemental or would not give advices that are uncalled for.

oh, i've been carrying the imp the whole afternoon yesterday. drats. my arms are wonderfuly bruised.  :)

dear jeremy, that should be the first and the last time you'd see me cry// i've never wailed as loud as that. i am not the type who'd throw temper fits for no reason. i guess there are times when you'd rather be blind than see the truth. :(

I'm lifting you up
I'm letting you down
I'm dancing til dawn
I'm fooling around
I'm not giving up
I'm making your love
This city’s made us crazy and we must get out- maroon5






  1. sayang jud ala pic sa imu nephew..

  2. the cutest ang baby kiss.

  3. nko pics sa balay/ ug kato gatemper tantrums sya sa mall. giupload nko, malas nawa internet connection sa spare pc sa work. argh.


fallen rain. (: