Tuesday, May 15, 2007

my monsters named..


[Battling the aquamarine eyed monster named PMS]  I’m relieved that I did not go thru my monthly weeping numbers that would bamboozle either Jeremy (twice consecutively) or Czarina. This morning(or the previous morning rather) Czar’s female hormones had a huge blitzkrieg inside her systems... I guess every wirl (half woman-half girl) can attest that they’d burst into tears over the most trivial stuff- a stained shirt/ a pesky cube mate/ the smell of certain food/ batong or squash or even a friendster profile of an old lovelove…


And would feel like the world is up against her… I tried to topple this monster by either starving myself (not done too often-ako pa, a human trash bin!) cuz rich food would have the most eccentric taste, I cry-the kind where you’d hagulhol like yer 10 year old pooch just died// or I eat comfort food that’s within reach- tam-is everything or ponkan.. and I soak in His love//find comfort in His words thru people who would write about Him and remind myself that it cannot be too bad..

Another monster to wrestle would be the sapphire eyed monster, I realized that even if I loved this job to the core, that I feel extremely blessed to be the first-named QA for the site, I still struggle with complacency, I know He did not put the spirit or the will to compete because it would be an unseen dagger that could pierce thru me..


okay, this entry was oddly, edited when i came back to it.. anyway..

i was just saying that the last monster am battling would be blue-eyed.. when i gave my apologies to certain people, they can be certain, that i would try my hardest not to pass judgement or rash opinions about them and they can be certain that i would only say sorry when i am really sorry..


it was bad today..and the team coaching had sadly, rude people asking for help or is it that they were trying to prove a point?



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